Can you believe it’s Ash Wednesday already? Lent definitely snuck up on me this year. So let’s compare notes. Growing up, this was always an interesting topic of conversation with friends and classmates: “What are you giving up this year?”
This year, my husband and I have decided to give up watching television. It’s become a mind-numbing routine and we hope to change that. Instead, we’re going to exercise, play old fashioned board games, and read. Sounds like we’re 80 years old, but I think it will be a much needed change from the constant technology we surround ourselves with everyday.
As a family, we’re going to read Bringing Lent Home with Mother Teresa: Prayers, Reflections, and Activities for Families. I’ve had this book on my Pinterest board for months now and my mom found it in her library for me to borrow. I’ve only flipped through it, but it seems great. I’m sure I’ll be back with a full review soon.