Grant me, O Lord my God, a mind to know you, a heart to seek you, wisdom to find you, conduct pleasing to you, faithful perseverance in waiting for you, and a hope of finally embracing you. Amen.
– St. Thomas Aquinas
- get a solid start on No Spend January (I need a break from the spending madness!)
- try out The Confident Mom’s free Household Planner
- slowly get back into the 1,000 Item Declutter Challenge
- write thank you notes
- finish up my 2019 December Daily album
- list 5 new items on Poshmark/ebay
- cross-post 5 items
- try to get a photo of the six kids all together
- keep track of all grocery spending
- have a “Top Chef Night” to use up some of the random items in our pantry and fridge
- start demo-ing Sophie’s bathroom
- finally set up the telescope
- watch and practice one video from my new self-defense course
I did a no-spend January a few years back, and it permanently reset my spending habits! Have you ever done one before?
I also need to list a bunch of stuff on Ebay this month. I'm just so terrible at getting into a habit about doing it!
We tried a no spend month once last year on a whim, but stopped after about three weeks due to purchases I forgot we had planned to buy. The timing is MUCH better this time around! Six days in and so far, so good!