In August, I focused on a few “side hustles,” making a little money on the side that could be thrown on debt. I obviously won’t be getting rich off these things, but every little bit helps! And bonus: I gave a bunch of unused items a new home in the process.
It will be birthday season around here starting in September and I’ve started purchasing gifts. Ebates is helping! For example, I found a princess set for Sophia on the Playmobil website and they had 2.5% back through Ebates. Almost $1 back on something I would have purchased anyway! Total cash back (to date) coming soon: $6.
Quick tip: be sure to install the Ebates button in your browser; it automatically will tell you when a store participates in the program! So helpful.
I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook yard sale sites, but decided to give it another shot. I haven’t had much luck, but I did manage to sell a brand new grill cover in an easy transaction at the local gas station. Final profit: $10
3 // EBAY
Ebay is the place to sell all of those random things you don’t know what to do with, but you know have some worth. I posted some homeschooling books we aren’t using as well as some out-of-print Heather Ross fabric I’ve hoarded and never used. 90% sold in the first week. Final profit: $107
Kidizen is a buying/selling app for children’s clothes, toys and maternity wear. I posted and sold a backpack. Next up to list are a few things P has outgrown. Final profit: $13
P.S. If you sign up with my link, you get $5 off your first purchase!
Poshmark is another buying/selling app, mostly for men and women’s clothing although there are kids clothes for sale too. I listed a handful of pieces from my closet, plus a few things I found on super sale while out shopping. I’ve had so much fun with this one! Final profit: $120
P.S. If you sign up with code BWFARMHOUSE you get $5 off your first order!
Do you have any side hustles on your debt-free journey? I’d love to hear your experiences, tips and tricks!
I have pretty good luck with craiglist. sold 2 kayaks, kayak auto carrier, all our snowmobile equipment, snowshoes before moving to SC.
Good idea! I had horrible luck selling on CL at our old house (so many no-shows!), but I should try again in our new town.