After months and months of cold weather and brown everything, it seems like it’s all coming alive overnight! Our grass is green, the trees are blooming and animals are everywhere! The nest we’ve been watching on our front porch fan is now filled with five itty-bitty baby birds. Like any season, there are pros and cons to spring (major cons = seasonal allergies, cars caked in yellow pollen and ant invasions by the side door), but I definitely have a new appreciation this year. He makes all things new.
- WATER – drink lots and lots of it
- add a consistent strength training day to my weekly exercise load
- find two new podcasts to listen to while running
- mail in the kids’ finished standardized testing
- make a list of the remaining assignments/readings for the last few weeks of school
- plan a day with my mom
- buy a succulent (100LT #48) and some herbs for the kitchen window
- look into getting an ice cream maker
- renew library cards
- finish reading Dorothy Day’s biography (100LT #82)
- read two books sitting on my nightstand
- decide on new summer sandals, one casual pair and one for church
- buy sandals for P
- make oobleck with Sophie (100LT #93)
- buy tiny hooks – I need to get to Home Depot!
- string lights throughout the back porch
- borrow a power washer and start prepping the front porch for staining
If you’re reading on your phone or in a reader, be sure to click over to see what I checked off the list!
start running at least three times a week(so happy about this! I’m only averaging about 2-3 miles at a time and at a snail’s pace, but I love it anyway)try making bulletproof coffee(it was okay, but I thought it tasted way too much like liquid butter than coffee)choose a baby gift for my cousin’s showerbuy a baptism gift for a friend(I got one of these adorable mini rosaries)- buy tiny hooks
- string lights throughout the back porch
do a science experiment with Sophie(we did the egg-in-a-bottle experiment – she loved it!)make dentist appointments- print photographs off of old hard drive
- finally finish December Daily 2017 album
- finish another book that I’ve only partially finished (didn’t finish, but made a lot of progress in my Jackson Pollock book)
pick a date for a field trip(the kids went with Mark to “Take Your Child to Work Day” – a trip to Jamestown is coming soon!)- recommit to weaning P – make a plan and stay strong! (decided to “officially” start in May – he is SO stubborn, so this is going to be tricky)
start dreaming and sketching our garden for next year
What about you? What do you hope to accomplish in the next two weeks?
I love reading these