I had completely lost track of my days, so when Mark came home from work on Friday and announced that it was a three-day weekend, I cheered along with the kids! We had snow falling most of Saturday and the kids were able to play in it Sunday morning before it all melted. Lots of bread and pretzel rolls and brownies were made. Lots of reading was done. Lots of laughter (and only a little bickering) was heard. Lots of potty-training was accomplished (finally – praise Jesus!!). If you need me, I’ll be soaking up one more lazy day before reality begins again.
- Habit of the Month: Patience
- for Lent: workouts first thing every morning before touching my phone or computer
- fill up on more green veggies
- try overnight oatmeal
- try kombucha (100LT #58) – a little scared about this one!
- find one last item for February’s Five Favorites prize pack
- finalize plans for Term Three of the school year
- start brainstorming Easter baskets
- make speech appointment
- make dentist appointments
- make eye appointments for the big boys
- unpack and display my newly inherited china from my grandmother (I need to make the time to do this!)
- figure out what to do about first floor painting
- decide on new chairs for the living room
- buy frames for living room gallery wall
- learn how to make baguettes (100LT #50)
- complete my winter cross-stitch before it’s no longer winter
- bring donations to Goodwill
If you’re reading on your phone or in a reader, be sure to click over to see what I checked off the list!
do something special to celebrate 100 Days of School!(we blew up mini balloons and made homemade funfetti donuts)- catch up on blog reading and leave thoughtful comments (I’m so behind – need to make the time this week)
wash my used to be white Nike Frees(they still aren’t totally white, that darn Virginia clay! Maybe I should invest in a special stain stick?)- make more big salads for lunch (I did this about three times…)
find a bottle that will make it easier to drink more water(a covered cup with a straw is the game-changer!)finish researchand make speech appointment- f
ind a dentist in our new town - read two chapters in my Jackson Pollock book
paint the living roomand hallway (what a fiasco! Mark and I have halted further painting until we decided on a course of action)- bring donations to Goodwill
- unpack and display my newly inherited china from my grandmother (still in the box)
- buy frames for living room gallery wall
finish our taxes(SO glad that’s finished!)
What about you? What do you hope to accomplish in the next two weeks?
I'm so glad you're brainstorming Easter baskets because sometimes I feel like the only crazy person who does that way early. 😉 Our goals for the next 2 weeks: finally finish our taxes, apply for preK for the fall, and donate the clothes we've decluttered!
You're definitely not the only one! I'm trying to wean myself from my Amazon Prime addiction, HAH, so need to get those orders in early. I've been too spoiled with that two-day shipping!
I just made all our eye doctor appointments and kind of expected confetti to fall from the ceiling. Being an adult should have more built in celebrations!
Just sayin'!
Right?! I totally agree.