I am in full school planning mode around here. We’ve decided to start next week, so it’s a mad dash to pull all of the curriculum, books, and ideas I’ve collected all summer and make them into one coherent outline. It’s a little overwhelming, but I’m in my element! It also may explain why I didn’t get to a lot of my previous intentions – oops. Today’s intentions will actually be for three weeks instead of two, so the list is a little bit longer. Here’s hoping I’m a little more productive!
Mark and I have decided to financially tighten our belt a little around here. With a new house, I think it’s easy to want to buy/change/DIY all the things, but we’re trying to focus on gratitude. There will be plenty of time to paint and fluff. Right now, we’re going to be creative with what we already have and save for boring things like getting dead trees removed, a riding lawn mower and a new washer and dryer. (Oh and six birthdays and Christmas on the horizon too!) The other things will come!
- Habit of the Month: HEALTH
- more green smoothies with collagen peptides – maybe a mid-afternoon snack?
- no cell phone scrolling right before bed!
- make three more recipes from my new cookbook
- bake bread in the dutch oven (100LT #51)
- be able to barbell squat 70lb.
- choose a dress/outfit to wear for the blogging conference
- reorganize the garage
- buy last few school supplies
- start new Instagram account for our homeschool
- celebrate the beginning of school by going out for ice cream
- take out all of the kids’ fall/winter clothes and see what needs to be purchased
- make a list of clothing needs for the entire family
- think about a fall capsule wardrobe (I’m in desperate need of new clothes! #chronicunderbuyer)
- start reading Anne of Green Gables (part of 100LT #3)
- read two chapters in my Jackson Pollock book
- continue Operation Catechism catch-up
- decide on big gifts for S and TJ’s birthdays and add amount into budget
- pull out Sophie’s princess cross-stitch and do a few stitches
- make root beer floats (100LT #97)
- finish reading Mouse and the Motorcycle aloud to J and watch the movie together
- finish kids’ chore charts and start new allowance system
- sign up for cards at our new library
- hang master curtains and artwork
lots of veggies in every meal (work on breakfast!)(still need work on breakfast, but getting there)order collagen peptides- make three recipes from my new cookbook (2/3: fig jam cookies and Oregon berry crumble – both delicious!)
- green smoothies for the kids at least twice a week
don’t skip weight training even though it hurts!(started Stronglifts 5×5 and love it)wear my new running shoes around (NOT running) to adjust and avoid blisters- finish kids’ chore charts and start new allowance system
- have a tea party in Sophie’s room with real drinks/treats
- continue Operation Catechism catch-up (didn’t pick this up once! need to get a better routine started)
read Across Five Aprils in preparation for M’s history- read two chapters in my Jackson Pollock book
start thinking about birthday gifts for Sophie and TJ(found a few fun ideas)make a big batch of taco seasoning to keep in the pantry (100LT #46)(this was way too easy – why did I wait so long?!)organize and prepare the school roomregister at our new parishsign up the boys for CCD- hang master curtains and artwork (STILL on the list – argh)
- sign up for cards at our new library (STILL on the list – I need to make the time to do this!)
What about you? What’s on your to-do list for the next few weeks?
So excited to follow your homeschool instagram!!!