It’s that time of year again! 100 Little Things, round three – here we go!
What I’ve learned from Round Two:
1. I ended up completing 45 out of the 100 items on the list. Not even half, but more than I managed the first year, so improvement!
2. I need to keep the little things simple. In Round Two, I had many multi-part goals and those ended up taking much more time than I had expected.
3. 100 Little Things is the perfect pick-me-up when I’m feeling uninspired and in a rut. There’s no pressure to complete it all, but it’s definitely a starting point for creativity in different areas of my life. I see it being a yearly tradition for years to come.
My hopes for the third round:
1. Document with photographs this time!
2. Start a new monthly recap series on this blog to keep me motivated.
1. Read 35
2. Read An
Omnivore’s Dilemma
Omnivore’s Dilemma
3. Read
Kirstin Davenstradder
Kirstin Davenstradder
4. Read The
Birth Order Book
Birth Order Book
5. Leave a
positive, thoughtful comment on 50 blog posts
positive, thoughtful comment on 50 blog posts
6. Blog at
least twice a week regularly
least twice a week regularly
7. Host a “My
Favorite Things” giveaway on my birthday
Favorite Things” giveaway on my birthday
8. Rearrange
books in the bookcases by theme/genre
books in the bookcases by theme/genre
9. Financially
support a family raising money for an adoption
support a family raising money for an adoption
10. Send
someone flowers, just because
someone flowers, just because
11. Send five
baby gifts (for the first baby or the fifth!)
baby gifts (for the first baby or the fifth!)
12. Send 15 cards, just because
13. Make 5 birthday boxes for the food pantry
14. Send a care
package to a college student
package to a college student
15. Thank our garbage men
16. Thank our mailman
17. Meet someone
18. Make a rosary
19. Pray 5 novenas
20. Learn about a new saint
21. Read an
22. Complete a
Bible study
Bible study
23. Replace all light switch covers to one design
24. Add another house plant
25. Find a dresser to refurbish for the new baby
26. Install new
kitchen lighting
kitchen lighting
27. Repaint the kitchen table
28. Make roman
shades for my office
shades for my office
29. Finish my office desk project
30. Redo the
back patio
back patio
31. Clean the microfiber couch
32. Grow tomatoes
33. Grow cucumbers
34. Grow spinach
35. Buy containers for flowers on the front porch
36. Add bamboo
shades to the kitchen and living room
shades to the kitchen and living room
37. Have the carpets
professionally cleaned
professionally cleaned
38. Power wash the back porch
39. Buy a hummingbird feeder
40. Cook through the “30
Recipes You Should Know By Age 30” list
Recipes You Should Know By Age 30” list
41. Sign up for a small farm’s CSA program
42. Make 10 different pies
43. Make popsicles
44. Go strawberry picking
45. Go apple picking
46. Make no churn ice cream
47. Bake 5 new hot breakfasts
48. Do a green smoothie challenge
49. Make homemade jam
50. Bake
doughnuts from scratch
doughnuts from scratch
51. Try a new
52. Watch 15
53. Participate in Screen-Free Week
54. Make a dent on the movies on Common Sense
Media’s “50 Movies Every Kid Should See before age 12” (at least 50%)
Media’s “50 Movies Every Kid Should See before age 12” (at least 50%)
55. Create six memory boxes for the kids
56. Make silhouettes of the kids
57. Make 20 freezer meals before the baby comes
58. Refresh memory on infant CPR
59. Lose the baby weight
60. Complete a 30-day walking streak (at least 1
mile a day)
mile a day)
61. Run a 5k
62. Run a half marathon
63. Complete all three levels of T25
64. Double Big
White Farmhouse’s sales from 2015 to 2016
White Farmhouse’s sales from 2015 to 2016
65. Try a new marketing technique for Big White
66. Purchase vintage at a big fair
67. Hold a Big White Farmhouse pop-up shop
68. Grow BWF’s Instagram followers to 400+
69. Finish a 12-day gift wrap idea series for BWF
70. Complete a 30-day no spending challenge
71. Pay off car debt
72. Pay off remaining student loan debt
73. Schedule an eye exam
74. Buy new glasses
75. Clean my
wedding ring
wedding ring
76. Take a bath
77. Finish our home first aid kit
78. Finish our emergency preparedness kit
79. Find a skin
routine that works and stick with it
routine that works and stick with it
80. Make a quilt
81. Sew a throw pillow with pom-poms for Sophie’s
82. Hang something on the wall to display Sophie’s
peg dolls
peg dolls
83. Complete an embroidery project
84. Buy new pajamas
85. Create a postpartum wardrobe that makes me
feel confident and not frumpy
feel confident and not frumpy
86. Find new summer sandals
87. Find a new winter coat
88. Send out birth announcements
89. Write three love letters to Mark
90. Make salt dough ornaments
91. Potty train TJ
92. Explore a new city
93. Try 5 new local restaurants
94. Make a weaving
95. DIY a felt leaf wreath
96. Learn calligraphy
97. Buy 2 new board games to play as a family
98. Make DIY Geodes with the kids
99. Take the
kids to see a movie in theaters
kids to see a movie in theaters
100. Paint something on a canvas