Back in July, I learned about a new website called Jet.com. To make things sweeter, I even won Cristina’s giveaway for a free year-long membership. I was intrigued by the idea of an alternative Amazon and couldn’t wait to try it out. I specifically was interested in their grocery section because…have you been to the store with five always hungry children?
Well, after about five orders in a one month span, I can honestly say: I LOVE JET. Linking up with Jenna to share my five reasons why I think you should try Jet too:
We Don’t Have to Leave the House
Like almost everyone, we’re on a budget here and taking all five kids to the grocery store is a major battle of wills. Despite telling them that we’re only there for the items on my list, I always have four little voices who can’t help but ask, “Do you think we can get this? Oh mama, these are my favorite! We’ve been meaning to make this for awhile, mom.” Exhausting. With Jet, I don’t have to leave my house and the groceries come to me! The kids cheer when they see a purple box on the doorstep and can’t wait to see what surprises I bought.
Ordering Online Prevents Impulse Buying
Right now, I am in full-on fall preparation mode. Our days will be packed the next few months, so I’ve been brainstorming easy dinners and ways to keep us from frantic fast food stops. Buying on Jet keeps me right on track. I jot down my meal plan, then head online. I love to look for pantry items in bulk; I actually just got a case of pinto beans because we make lots of chili around here! A good tip is to always check the price per ounce/can/pound to see whether it really is a good deal. (It’s a plus to have a general idea of what your favorite things cost at your local grocery store just to compare too.) After I go through my list, I double check before I hit Order in case something unnecessary found its way in. Jet really keeps me right on budget.
Savings, Savings, Savings
My favorite part of Jet’s system is seeing their real-time added savings. Jet takes Amazon’s prices and then saves you even more. Sometimes that is as little as 10 cents, sometimes it can almost be $10! I always take that amount into account as I’m calculating whether a product really is the best deal and from my experience so far, it has been (for a family living in northern Virginia) nine times out of ten.
When We Do Go Grocery Shopping, the Trips Are Really Fast
After purchasing all of my pantry items on Jet, grocery trips take much less time! We can buzz around the perimeter of the store and get in and out quickly. Mark sometimes picks up a few things, like milk or fresh fruit, on his way home from work too. And double bonus: when you look at our cart, we look super healthy, hah!
The Purple Boxes Make Great Ships and Forts
If you ask the kids, the best part of Jet is the big boxes! I can’t tell you the amount of hours the kids have spent making forts, ships and castles.
From now until September 1, if you use my referral code, you can try Jet.com and receive $15 off your first order of $50 or more. I also get $15 in credit‚ so it’s a win–win for both of us! My code is 37C7BFB. Let me know what you think!