A collection of our ordinary days, recorded every week. At the end of the year, I’ll publish them into a keepsake to treasure.
Around here, I have been:
tired. One by one, everyone from Mark down to TJ has been hit with a sickness that just won’t go away. Barking coughs, sweats and chills, small fevers…they’ve all been miserable and I’ve been doing my best to keep everybody comfortable. We’ve been watching lots of movies and adding in “fun stuff” to keep things interesting (ie. bubble blowing, going out for milkshakes and ordering pizza). I hope we can all get back to normal soon.
not running. Not once; I couldn’t get away! After 10 full weeks of training, it feels weird, but I think my body appreciates the unintended break. Hoping to get back in the swing of things this weekend.
realizing that “quiet time” doesn’t have to equal total silence to be fruitful.
grateful. Mark was in a car accident last week (he’s fine) and we were worried that his car would be totaled. Thankfully, it’s fixable and covered by insurance…we can avoid a car payment a bit longer!
reading A Fifty-Year Silence: Love, War, and a Ruined House in France.
grossed out when J literally picked a fly from his eye. He ran in the house from playing outside saying his eye hurt and then with some rubbing, came to me with dead fly in hand. Ick.
donating money to a friend running for a great cause. I’d love to race and raise money for charity someday…maybe for half marathon number two!
selling our unneeded homeschool books on ebay. It feels good to get this goal checked off my list. Now hopefully they will sell!