“Home comforts” is a funny term these days, isn’t it. On the one hand, it feels like a warm hug. When you mention “home comforts” to me, I think of the kettle singing on the stovetop. Of the small stack of books on my bedside table with the corners turned down half way through. Or sitting under a colourful woolen rug, stroking our pet rabbit’s ears and watching Netflix while editing photographs on my ‘phone. There is a corner of our old sofa that is my corner of our old sofa, with a sag in the cushion that is just the right shape for my bottom.
Home comforts are the things we return to after long journeys: everything is where it should be in the kitchen (no hunting around a million cupboards looking for a cereal bowl), the right brand of cheese is in the ‘fridge, and the herbs on the window sill are the ones you chose, because they are the ones you like best to eat. It’s your favourite pillow and freshly laundered sheets on the bed, or spending an entire day cooking up a feast, for no reason other than that you want to.
Home comforts are safe, familiar and, well, they deliver on the promise of the tin. Home comforts are comfortable.
P.S. Naomi’s newsletter is one of my favorites and is always full of inspiring and helpful content.