Motherhood gets such a bad rap in today’s society. In an age that is so self-serving, the thought of putting someone else’s needs before your own is just…well, crazy! But I’m here to tell you that motherhood is the most worthwhile job you’ll ever have.
Don’t get me wrong…staying home with your babies isn’t always sunshine and roses. There are definitely fussy days, grouchy days, downright “I’m counting the minutes until bedtime” days. But if you seek with eyes searching for the good, I promise you that you will always find something. Maybe it’s that your little one hugged you for no reason. Or you went a day with no sibling bickering, or they all took naps at the same time! Maybe one of your babies made you laugh so hard, and you couldn’t believe something so funny came from someone so small!
Motherhood is a wonderful gift and I think that instead of grumbling about everything we’re “giving up” by having children, we should embrace all that this new adventure has to offer.
Fellow mammas (and fellow future mammas!), please know that you have a friend praying for you, rooting for you and challenging you to be the best mother you can be.
A link that has helped and inspired me:
Ann Voskamp’s free printable of 10 Points for Joyful Parenting. I actually have it printed out and taped to my kitchen cabinet right now. My two favorites: “Today, the moment when I am most repelled by a child’s behavior, that is my sign to draw the very closest to that child.” and “Today I will laugh!….I will create a culture of JOY!” Such wise, wise words and ones I definitely want to incorporate more in my life as a mother.