Sometimes life gets so busy that I forget to notice and appreciate the little things. Here are some of the things I am loving this week:
I WANT TO REMEMBER… how D is calling everybody “big guy” after hearing his Daddy call him that for so long.
I WANT TO REMEMBER… how M’s idea of “cleaning” is shoving all of his toys into one corner of the room. He’s just so proud though when he shows me – I don’t have the heart to correct him!
I WANT TO REMEMBER… how J babbles to himself as he plays. He has lots to say!
I WANT TO REMEMBER… D and his “pow-ahs” (powers). He takes two receiving blankets and swings them around in the air, declaring, “Watch out for me supah powahs!” Reason #1000 why having little boys in the house is AWESOME!
I WANT TO REMEMBER… how among the long list of what he wants to be when he grows up, M wants to be a “Police Department-er”. 🙂
I WANT TO REMEMBER… how incredibly great it is to hear the beginnings of brother conversations. D is really talking and expressing himself lately and the big boys have been coming up with some great games and adventures. The latest convo overheard while building with blocks:
D: Whatchu makin’? I makin’ a robot.
M: I’m making a tower.
D: Cool dude!
My cup runneth over.