How are you, friends? I have so many things to tell and share that I thought I would just compile them into one big post!
- First of all, have you tried these (our empty bag is pictured above)??? They were totally an impulse buy from the last time we went to the store, but they are excellent!
- I’m considering doing this Quilt-Along as a way to use up some of my fabric stash. My taste has changed slightly since I started sewing a few years ago, but I hate not to use all the yardage I bought. And this quilt has the potential to use up a lot of fabric!
- I just purchased this scrapbook binder to hold the first half of my 2011 Project Life. This way of scrapbooking has been so liberating for me and I just love that I am completely caught up, almost to the day.
- Since M just misses the cut off for kindergarten, we are going to do a Preschool/Pre-K mix this year at home. I have decided to use Five in a Row with him (with an “around the world” twist) that I think he will love. Ideas and lesson plans are in full swing around here right now, which I hope to share soon!
- The boys’ room has been put on hold because we aren’t sure M is ready for the top bunk just yet. I think we’ll give it a few more months and revisit it then.
- Because of that, my focus has shifted to finishing up the living room! We got quite a bit accomplished last fall, but I still have a few projects left. Inspiration board and to-do list will be coming soon!
- The heat here has just been unbearable lately, so I am already looking forward to fall. I know most families are just starting their summer, but with three little ones who aren’t in school yet, I feel like we’ve been having summer since the beginning of May! I’m so ready for cooler weather!
- Call me the super planner or just plain crazy, but I’ve begun brainstorming the boys’ birthdays. The three of them have birthdays within a six week period in the fall, so I have to be organized! Ideas so far: robots, pirates, police (and baby J’s is a secret!)
What’s new with you this week?