A new series for 2020: if I record 20 things every week, I’ll have over 1,000 items by December 31.
That’s a lot to be grateful for.
pick up baseball games in the back yard
cool breezes in open windows
ham and tomato sandwiches on bread I made
that almost all of my beans have sprouted and are growing quickly
my bright green raincoat
when Lucy sits and watches the birds out the window
successful potty training (finally!)
working on crossword puzzles with M
bright orange California poppies
watching our neighbor horse in his warm coat
four great results on standardized testing
good books that keep me up late reading
flip flop tan lines
another week without having to turn on the air conditioning
when the kids clean the kitchen after dinner
a better organized emergency closet
honest conversations with my oldest boys
hard days and cleansing tears
chances to start again
“Oh Jesus, with all my heart I cling to Thee.”
You have a neighbor horse? that's pretty cool 🙂
Yes! His pasture is in between our house and our neighbor's and I love to watch him run.
Hard days & cleansing tears
… yep…
Feels so good once it's done feeling bad.