For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
– Ralph Emerson
- complete standardized testing and mail
- celebrate the beginning of summer with something special
- clean up schoolroom for summer
- start making loose curriculum plans for the fall
- spend 15+ hours outside (I’m tracking just me, but the kids are encouraged to join in too)
- start brainstorming ideas for #write30days 2020 in June – ideas welcome!
- finish clearing away the fallen trees and branches in the yard
- powerwash the siding
- finish garden fence construction and paint
- keep planting!
- make two purchases from small businesses
- read another ARC due for Netgalley
- read at least 50% of Saint Faustina’s Diary
- order a filter replacement for the fridge
- check out the current outdoor gear situation and purchase anything needed (like a raincoat or boots)
- plant ferns by the front door (100LT #32)
- plant lemongrass for the back porch (100LT #33)
- see if I can get a piece of wood cut for a DIY chalkboard (100LT #17)
- buy chalkboard paint
If you’re reading on your phone or in a reader, be sure to click over to see what I checked off the list!
- paint my toes
give myself a haircut(ponytail method again for the win)add a fresh layer of soil to the front flower bedsplant wildflower seeds throughout the entire front beds(praying my vision comes to life this summer!)start planting!start working on garden fence construction- clear away the fallen trees and branches in the yard (a work in progress)
read an ARC due for Netgalley- brainstorm some ideas/topics for my #100dayproject (I can only seem to come up with something on the spot…)
update Nest Watch(I checked in on the nest and could only see four babies…hoping we didn’t lose one)- try to propagate my Christmas cactus again
- swap out the master rug for the one in the living room (the big rug switcheroo didn’t happen)
- clean the indoor/outdoor rug
- put the indoor/outdoor rug out on the porch
order ferns on Etsy(I ordered them from JLPFarmsTN)order lemongrass on Etsy(I ordered them from Clovers Home and Garden)- go on a jog
- deep clean the oven (100LT #4) (still not done! I really need to prioritize this!)
finish up the last work of the school year and prep for standardized testing
oh no, I hope all the birds are ok!
I was able to look up close and found all five! One must have been squished by the rest