Happy Wednesday! Looking back at March with my five today:
Faith is what gets you started. Hope is what keeps you going. Love is what brings you to the end. – Mother Angelica
+ We all finally caught the Influenza A that has been going around all winter. It wiped us out for a solid two weeks.
+ The coronavirus turned the world upside down.
+ We got a good start on garden construction: beds made, plot prepared, gravel walkway laid and some of the soil filled.
+ The coronavirus turned the world upside down.
+ We got a good start on garden construction: beds made, plot prepared, gravel walkway laid and some of the soil filled.
- My go-to. I start this bread in the machine and finish in loaf pans.
- I made pumpkin scones because we had a can in the pantry and they were a big hit. Perfect for breakfast.
- My oldest made these mini meatloaves and potatoes for dinner one night. One of our favorites and good for people who don’t really care for traditional meatloaf.
- Sourdough bread is back! I went back to my favorite book (affiliate link) on the subject and while I’m still working out a few hydration issues, it’s fun to return to this kind of baking again. Also: I’ve been using the discarded starter to make waffles, so there’s no waste.
- ✔ I want to spend time with God everyday. I’m a broken record at this point, but still working through the Bible (as of March 31, I was on day 265/365). I am also about halfway through the 54-Day Novena, which has been such a fruitful and calming part of my days.
- ✔ I want to keep on, keepin’ on with our debt freedom journey. Most of our extra money went toward our new garden, but we were able to put a tiny bit extra toward the car and the student loan. Every little bit helps.
- ✔ I want to be a better steward of my home. I’m still using The Confident Mom’s Household Planner and being sick really showed me how much it works. It’s taken me the rest of the month to get caught up and back into a groove.
- ✔ I want to hand write 52 pieces of mail. I sent out 10 pieces. (Here is the post.) Current total = 34
- ✔ I want to write 150 blog posts. Like everyone else, the global pandemic had me distracted and anxious and spending waaaay too much time on my phone. I only posted 13 times and hope to increase that number in April. Current total = 47
- ✔ I want to read 52 books. A strong month for reading! Thank you, insomnia. I read 10 books. (Here is the post.) Current total = 24
- ✘ I want to take the first steps for postpartum doula certification. Still nothing.
- ✔ I want to create a family culture of generosity.
- March’s $20 Donation // We donated to our community food bank.
- March’s 20 Minutes of Time and Talent // .This is really tricky while being quarantined! Mark hosted his men’s group virtually and the kids have worked so hard as we create our garden. As for me, does snail mail count?
Looking back at the numbers (which, Nerd Alert, is one of my favorite things ever), I’m really pleased with my progress so far:
65% complete for snail mail sent
31% complete for blog posts published
46% complete for books read
With the world as it is right now, I’m wondering if I should shelve the postpartum doula certification for now and focus on other things. Looking forward to keeping the momentum for all the other goals in Q2, because goodness, do I need the distraction!
Wow, look at that artisan bread you made! So pretty! I'm trying not to be too bummed out about my husband's recent celiac diagnosis (after all, it's him that has to cut out all the gluten, not me!), but I'll admit, it has taken the joy out of baking for me. I'm sure I'll dive into the world of gluten-free baking at some point, but right now I feel like I'm in a mourning period, ha ha.
And definitely, your time spent sending snail mail counts! What a generous way to spend your time.
I totally understand! I somehow acquired a dairy sensitivity after the birth of my youngest and it took all the joy of baking away for a loooong time. Eventually I started to experiment with alternative milks and butters, but really…it's just not the same, ha!
Yes, more blog posts please 🙂