A new month and and a fresh start. I’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed with all the tabs in my brain, so I made a “notepad” of sorts with these prompts:
- “To Learn” is something that keeps my brain sharp: researching a DIY project, reading non-fiction, practicing a language on Duolingo
- “To Do” is generally a homemaking task but could also be special one-on-one time with one of the kids
- “To Move” is physical exercise, but it doesn’t have to fit the typical working out box. Hauling huge bags of soil from the driveway to the garden is a huge work out!
- “To Bake/Make” is self-explanatory – I like to mix up old favorites with new recipes I find on Pinterest
- “To Serve” is a way for me to help my neighbor: keeping in touch with relatives, donating to good causes, thanking the people who are keeping us safe
- “To Pray” is for special prayers I would like to make into habits, like the Angelus or the Divine Mercy Chaplet
Right now, I just print two to a page and cut them out, but I’d love to make it a real notepad some day. I give myself two days for each list and limit myself to only one task per prompt. And it’s working! Most days I complete all six tasks, sometimes only three or four, but the point is that it keeps me intentional. Yes, we are living in scary times, but I can still choose to live in hope and not despair.
- blog more (I think I need it for self-care!)
- continue working on my new scrapbook project
- add a fresh layer of soil to the front flower beds
- plant wildflower seeds throughout the entire front beds
- email the county to see if I still need to order standardized testing
- figure out how to make Easter Sunday special, even under quarantine
- start planting!
- research rain barrels
- choose a few books on my Goodreads “to read” list
- decide on a baby shower gift for my cousin
- finally work on the Finders Keepers box that I’ve had since December(!)
- browse the recipes I’ve pinned on Pinterest and bake something new
- try to propagate my Christmas cactus again
- see if I can revive my dying fern
- add a few things to sell on ebay
- clean and vacuum out car interiors
- browse around for a bigger rug for the living room
If you’re reading on your phone or in a reader, be sure to click over to see what I checked off the list!
have the kids involved in making dinner each night- get back to my 20th Century in Literature Challenge and read two books that fit (half credit: I finished Strangers and Sojourners from 1997 & have started To Know Christ Jesus from 1962)
buy and lay down landscape fabricpurchase everything needed for “Mel’s Mix”and fill the raised beds (we’ve finished about half)start buying things for Easter basketsmail back ThredUp bagbuy new sandals for Sophie(I ordered these)- gather supplies to make a framed chalkboard (100LT #17)
try a new bread recipe(I made garlic herb pepperoni bread…it was weird)give the little boys haircuts- try to propagate my Christmas cactus again
continue a new routine of making bread dailysay the Stations of the Cross with the kids- attend a holy hour
start looking at compost optionsget dead trees removed by the driveway- reorganize all of my Poshmark inventory
- create a better hand-me-down clothing system (reuse old plastic totes if possible)
- get photos printed for a special project
deal with Sophie’s duvet(washed and dried both parts and then retied everything back together – so happy to have this dealt with!)- get an estimate for Sophie’s bathroom
read at least 20 pages of The Art of Learning Nature’s Signs(I am learning SO much!)
I love your little to-do list! Did you design that yourself?
Goals and daily to-do's keep me sane, too. I'll admit I haven't been very good at it lately, though, and my mental state has definitely taken a hit as a result. I need to get back in the swing of things again. It will help that this week is finally supposed to be sunny and warm!
I did! It was a fun little project.