“Thought breeds thought; children familiar with great thoughts take as naturally to thinking for themselves as the well-nourished body takes to growing; and we must bear in mind that growth, physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual, is the sole end of education.”
― Charlotte Mason
- start planning our spring vegetable garden
- work on the rainwater rock “path” in the front flower bed
- read at least 20 pages of The Art of Learning Nature’s Signs
- buy a new outdoor broom
- slash prices on current Poshmark inventory
- get photos printed for a special project
- deal with Sophie’s duvet
- spend 10+ minutes on Duolingo at least 4x/week
- bake pretzel bread
- deep clean the oven (100LT #4)
- post at least three things on Trash Nothing
- create a better hand-me-down clothing system
- start researching deep freezers (100LT #41)
- attend Ash Wednesday Mass
- make a running list of meatless dinners
If you’re reading on your phone or in a reader, be sure to click over to see what I checked off the list!
do our taxes- machine wash the bed pillows (I did all of the master bedroom pillows – kids pillows are next!)
declutter and organize the laundry roomfinally bring clothes to the dry cleaners(so happy this is finally off the list! the bag’s been sitting around since December)drop off boxes of donations- create a better hand-me-down clothing system
- watch and practice two lessons in my self-defense course
- restring my necklace
make homemade playdough (100LT #58)(I’m so glad that I took the time because the little kids were thrilled and played with it for a week straight, but I also remember now why I don’t often do this, ha! Food coloring is not for the faint of heart…)make homemade cocoa mix with J(SO easy and everyone says it’s delicious!)buy a spice organizer (100LT #1)celebrate “We survived our first year with a dog!” aka Lucy’s birthday by doing something fun(we celebrated with ice cream for us and plain Greek yogurt for Lucy)- post at least three things on Trash Nothing
register M for his BJJ competitionbrainstorm plans for Lent 2020- pray a novena
What language are you studying on Duolingo? I was doing so good at getting on every day and practicing French (my husband lived in Quebec for 2 years and learned French there, so I'm trying to learn so we can go back and visit!), but I haven't done it in months and months. I need to get back in the habit!
I took Spanish in high school, so I'm trying to remember everything I learned way back when! The list of other languages is so tempting, though… 🙂
Yay for celebrating Lucy 🙂