A collection of our ordinary days, recorded every week. At the end of the year, I’ll publish them into a keepsake to treasure.
Around here, I have been:
looking for warmth! It snowed about 5 inches (don’t laugh, New Englanders!) on Monday and the temperatures have hovered in the teens all week. I don’t like to complain about the weather, but I’m ready for spring.
finishing long overdue decorating projects, like FINALLY putting up our family pictures in the living room. They’ve only been framed and sitting on the floor in my room for…months. hah! Now I’ve got the itch. A long list of house to-dos is in the works.
starting a new Lenten devotional: Fr. Groeschel’s The King, Crucified And Risen. I’m just a few days in, but the meditations are already challenging me. Painfully good.
homeschool notes:
+ We pray a decade of the rosary with the kids every night before bed. Mark and I decided that we wanted to explain the stories behind the mysteries and the kids are really enjoying it! We’re also doing simple activities during school to reinforce what they learned the night before.
+ In history, we tackled two chapters this week: “The New Kingdom of Egypt” and “The Israelites Leave Egypt”. M is really enjoying listening to the stories and working on the maps.
+ Our new reading program is really clicking with D and I am so happy for him, I could cry. His confidence is back and he actually enjoys school again!
+ I took out a bunch of math-related gear: geoboards, dominoes, a scale, etc. for “free play” and it was a huge hit! M declared, “This is so much better than school!” and when I told him that it actually WAS school, he said, “Wow! This is so awesome!”