Where’d You Go Bernadette by Maria Semple
This was such a unique, fun read! The book is set up unlike anything I’ve ever read – a series of flashbacks, emails, and other documents all woven together to tell an interesting (and sometimes funny!) story. It was definitely a page turner; I wanted to figure out where Bernadette disappeared to! Perfect for summer, I’d recommend as a fast beach read.
See You in a Hundred Years by Logan Ward
This book is about a couple’s challenge to spend an entire year living like it was 1900. If it didn’t exist 100 years ago, they went without. That includes everything from electricity to the internet to indoor plumbing! Although I read some critical reviews, I still found the premise intriguing. It reinforced my desire to live in a farmhouse in the country, although I’d like to keep all my modern conveniences, hah!
A Fifty Year Silence by Miranda Richmond Mouillot
I’ve been struggling to put into words how I feel after reading this book. Essentially, it’s a memoir about a granddaughter discovering her family history and how it coincided with World War II. It is a story about relationships, the good and the bad, and how life events can alter even the most well-intentioned. It was an interesting read and I finished it quickly. As the eternal optimist, I wanted a happy ending, which it couldn’t deliver. But life isn’t always sunshine and roses, right?
(I received this book from Blogging for Books, but all opinions are my own.)
What are you reading this summer? I always love recommendations!