Book #1 of my 2012 Reading List: Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis
This book is so hard to describe. It is wonderful and joyful, inspiring and yet so heart-breaking, passionate and sad….so many conflicting emotions all wrapped up into one book!
If you’ve read Katie’s blog, you’ll know how easy it is to fall in love with her. Her enthusiasm and passion for the people of Uganda is contagious. Her book is much the same. So much food for thought! Here are a few passages that really resonated with me:
“Jesus called His followers to be a lot of things, but I have yet to find where He warned us to be safe. We are not called to be safe, we are simply promised that when we are in danger, God is right there with us. And there is no better place to be than in His hands.” –page XX
“I see thousands of deep brown eyes and feel thousands of little brown hands and I know that even on the hardest day, stopping is worth it. A life changed is worth it, even if only one. God’s love made known is worth it, even if only to one. I will not save them all. But I will keep trying. I will say “Yes”. I will stop for one. –page 205
“Help me to hurt, not just a little, but the way you hurt when your children are overlooked and perishing. Help me to never be too busy or too comfortable to remember the people who suffer. Help me to never stop desiring to do something about it. Lord, help us to remember that as the body of Christ, this is our responsibility. Thank you for loving us, even when we forget. I never, never want to forget again.” –page 224
You can read her blog here. You can support her non-profit organization, Amazima Ministries, here.
Ever heard of Brooke Fraser? This song replayed in my head most of the time I was reading this book.
I read this one too! I loved it!
okay…another book to add to my list. 🙂