Sometimes life gets so busy that I forget to notice and appreciate the little things. Here are some of the things I am loving this week:
I WANT TO REMEMBER… how D always, ALWAYS remembers to say thank you. He will actually repeat it and repeat it until you acknowledge him.
I WANT TO REMEMBER… how J has two teeth at 6 1/2 months old! I just love his little toothy grin!
I WANT TO REMEMBER… how M colors everything in rainbows! He will take each little space in a picture and color it a different color. Sometimes it takes him 15-20 minutes to finish one page, but what an eye for detail and precision. I can only imagine what his future holds with those qualities!
I WANT TO REMEMBER… how both of the big boys’ have taken to wearing baseball caps around the house. They never liked hats when they were babies and have always fussed when forced to wear winter caps. So it’s a big surprise now that they just LOVE their Cowboys & Boston caps!
I WANT TO REMEMBER… how great it felt to sew a little this week. I pulled out my hand sewing and for the first time since J was born, I was able to get a little done! The ideas are flowing and I can’t wait to get a project started! Perhaps a baby quilt?
such a sweet post.
and i need to make that cobbler below. omg.
You should! It was so good! We gobbled it up in less than 24 hours! 🙂