This new series was inspired by a beautiful article in the latest Soul Gardening Journal. (Do you subscribe? If not, I highly recommend it!) “Time for a Story” was a challenge to mothers to really put an effort into reading to our children. Instead of just rushing through a book to get it over with (of which I am plenty guilty), maybe we can use that time to slow down and enjoy that moment together instead?
I loved this part:
“By making the time, MAKING THE TIME, to read properly, deliberately and slowly with our children, we aren’t just raising their IQs or making them love books or spending quality time with them…important as these things are. We are instilling an entire foundation of what is good and noble and worthwhile in our children’s hearts. Those things don’t just “happen.” We have to intentionally make space for beauty; cultivate it. We treat it with reverence and respect. And if we do so, we can fully expect to contribute to what Dostoevsky prophesied years ago when he said that ‘Beauty will save the world.'”
Every Wednesday, we’ll share the seven books we read the week before. Some new, some old favorites and you may see repeats along the way. We hope you’ll share with us your favorites too!