#80. MY NAME IS ASHER LEV by Chaim Potok || ★★★☆☆
This one had really high ratings from my friends on Goodreads! I had a bit of a conflicted reading experience – I can understand why this book is so loved, but I seemed to be more sympathetic to the main character’s parents. (Maybe due to my current stage in life?) The end was just heartbreaking for me. (This was also my 1972 pick for the 20th Century Reading Challenge.)
#81. KEEP YOU CLOSE by Karen Cleveland || ★★★☆☆
Karen Cleveland wrote one of my favorite books of 2018, so I was thrilled to read her work again. A spin-off of Need to Know, this book was definitely a page-turner and I finished it in two days! Unfortunately, it wasn’t nearly as awesome as the first one. I’d still give it a solid three stars.
#82. ECLIPSE OF THE SUN by Michael D. O’Brien || ★★★★★
Oh man, what a way to end 2020. This book is a doozy at 857 pages! This is Book #3 of the Children of the Last Days series and I think it’s my favorite one so far. The story was gripping and I was surprised to see some similarities to our current times, especially since it was written in 1998! A thought-provoking read for sure.
Books Read: 82
Pages Read: 23,888
Fiction: 48 // Non-Fiction: 34
Kindle Books: 27 // Paper Books: 55
20th Century in Books Challenge: 30/100
Original 2020 books “to-read” total on Goodreads: 414 // Current “to-read” total: 366
82 books, that’s amazing, congratulations!
Thank you! My best reading year so far. Must have been all those lazy days at home.