Trying to combat the February “blahs” with some intentional gratitude and seeking out the good things around me. Linking up with Rosie again too!
My dwarf calamondin orange tree is growing new leaves, which is exciting! I also have some new growth on my little avocado tree (that I grew from a pit, one of my best frugal accomplishment wins!) and am praying I can keep both alive long enough to bring them back outside in the spring.
Trying to say yes to spur-of-the-moment craft projects. I loved the original vintage-looking metal green color of this “S”, but she thought pink with blue polka dots would look better….so here we are. This is why I don’t spend too much time on Pinterest looking at perfectly curated children’s rooms. My kids have a style all their own. (And it usually doesn’t look anything like mine, ha!)
We got more winter weather on Thursday and I think we’ve all officially reached that point where we’re just over it. This was a particularly horrible storm that was more sleet/ice than snow, so you can’t even really play outside. My oldest offered to shovel the driveway by himself because he said he likes the silence. I couldn’t agree more.
I’m still on a “cozy play spaces” kick. My youngest likes to play along my bedroom window sill, so I propped up a few pillows and dumped a bunch of Legos into a little plastic bowl. He loves it! Lots of building and pretending.
Lucy turned two right before Valentine’s Day. She is a joy to have around but creates a little havoc just to keep things interesting. This week, she somehow managed to pull her collar off and then ran for the hills! We all grabbed whatever tantalizing treats we could find (she can’t say no to pepperoni or a cheese stick) and finally convinced her to come home.
My official 1,000 Item Declutter Challenge is over, but I haven’t stopped. I think I’m combatting February by getting rid of all the things! I keep that green tub as my temporary holding cell until I can separate everything and make a plan. Right now, I have lots of outgrown clothing and toys that I need to post on Trash Nothing.
My daughter used Jixels to make Albert Einstein and family! I’ve been hearing a lot of “Zee answer is in zee question!” a la Night at the Museum ever since.
Ugh this ice is the worst!! Though the kids have found that it makes their sledding run CRAZY fast, so at least there’s that…
We’ve had some questionably “safe” ice skating attempts on our driveway here, ha! Whatever gets them outside for a few minutes.
My kids also have their own ideas about their rooms and I’m slowly releasing it! I am about to hang some dinosaur pictures in my daughter’s room. She’s so excited! The sun came out today after the icy weather so we are enjoying that that fresh sunshine.
Same here. I have to remind myself that they’re only growing up in my home for such a short period of time (my oldest will be off in just 4 years!) and someday, I’ll have all the time in the world to decorate as I wish. But I also know that I’ll then be nostalgic for the days of pink and blue polka dot artwork…ahh, motherhood is so funny that way. 🙂
ooooh, I like the idea of a “holding tub” for my declutter items! I tackled the dining room built-in cupboards this weekend and my spirit has been lifted! hahhaa. Funny how that works – but honestly, it’s rejuvenating to get rid of the clutter you didn’t know was weighing on you! Thanks for the inspo – per usual!
I’m a big fan of the tub because it keeps the declutter pile from becoming one more mess! It’s also a good incentive that once it’s overflowing, I need to be proactive and start selling/posting/giving things away. Hope it works for you too!
Your baby orange tree is lovely!! and you grew your own avocado tree… Way to go!!! I have wanted to get Meyer lemon tree for years but sadly i have no good sunny place to over winter it and even our mild summers are not it’s preferred climate.
My master bedroom is the sunniest room in the house, so it’s looking a little like a greenhouse in there this winter, ha! I’m really shocked that they both haven’t died since the air seems so dry…praying that they hold on for warmer temps ahead!
Lucy!!! Yes, they can get out of their collar sometimes, a harness can solve that problem, but not any harness either, dogs can get out of some of the less safe ones… they are like little magicians in a not so good way
We’ve never had a problem with her collar before, so I’m assuming it was probably our mistake and not clasped completely. Either way, she sure did love her few moments of freedom! 🙂
I love Sophia’s “S”. Carly has a similar (pink, sparkly) “C” in her room that is a bit much for me… but she LOVES it!
I love your pictures. They always inspire me to take my shots from different angles. And I hear you about being OVER winter. I told my mom that it’s May, but my calendar just won’t catch up. Hah!
My calendar just won’t catch up, ha!! YES! Love that.