Today was Day Two of a cold-turkey sugar detox…again. I felt completely fine in the morning, buzzing around the house, and then hit a wall after lunch. I had to take a nap!
Decluttering Challenge, Round Two Complete!
I spent almost an hour in the schoolroom going through papers and books and trying to get everything situated for summer. In that crazy mess, I found seven more items for the declutter challenge: two workbooks that are completely used up, a joke book, a cookie cutter, two stencils and a placemat. Week Two of #28things7days is complete!
Getting Lucy Ready for Summer
Lucy has been shedding her winter coat in fits and spurts (all over my house…) so we decided to help her along with a thorough brush outside. She loved all the attention!
A Treat for the Ladies
The temperatures are headed into the 90s this week, so the kids and I made the hens a little treat: freezing corn and water in a donut pan!
Aww Lucy <3 and treats for the chickens, how fun!