The new school year is still seven weeks away, but I feel like I should probably start checking off a few tasks on the list. So I mailed the letter of intent and testing to the county. I finalized a curriculum plan, noting the books I already have and jotting down the ones I still need to buy. I also had my yearly summer freak out session when I panic that I’ll have to teach a high schooler, a middle schooler, three elementary students and one who will definitely demand to participate, even though he’s four. Every year, I panic and question whether I can adequately educate all of these kids and yet somehow I do.
Currently on my nightstand (affiliate links ahead): The Devotion to the Sacred Heart and Promise by Minrose Gwin.
It is HOT outside, so we try to get our outdoor chores done first thing in the morning. Our chickens are growing fast – the broilers are already 5 weeks and the hens are 16 weeks. Our homestead failure story of the week: on Thursday, we let the ladies free range outside of their fencing and they were so thrilled. By afternoon, they were super brave and spread out on the property (making me nervous). By early evening, we had a huge, downpour thunder storm so the boys and I ran out to make sure the ladies were back in their coop….and could only find 15 out of the 16. We looked until the lightning came, but then had to abandon the search. Unfortunately, she never showed up, so I’m guessing some wild animal must have gotten her. (Maybe one of those pesky raccoons?) We’re so bummed that we lost one of our girls. Obviously, their free range days are over. Farming, man…it’s not for the faint of heart.
I spent a lot of time in the kitchen (which is a little ridiculous considering how hot it is outside, but whatcha gonna do?): S made her cookie bars again, I made English muffin bread, an ice cream treat from my vintage cookbook, and even experimented with carrot top pesto!
Some of the tabs I’ve had open on my computer:
- A Guide to Harvesting Potatoes
- Bravewriter literature guides // we’re going back to Bravewriter next year and half the fun is choosing the books!
- this Alpine Wayside Shrine // I recently learned about little shrines in Europe that are sprinkled throughout the wayside. I think it would be fun to add one somewhere on the property. Someday…
- Foraging Plantain // we have a ton of these plants in the yard!
- this two-ingredient natural bug bite remedy // seems simple enough
- The Saintmaker Catholic Planner
Sorry to hear you lost a hen! Raccoons usually only hunt at night but if you have birds of prey in your area that could have gotten one. My sister lost a baby lamb to a large hawk last spring. Free range does come with some risk.
Hmm, I don’t think we have any birds of prey close by, but I’ll have to keep my eyes open!
I am so sorry about your hen! That must be so disheartening!