A simple, ordinary day in mid-December. Some highlights: cinnamon rolls with breakfast as a belated St. Lucy feast day celebration. Getting out little décor pieces and figuring out where they should go. Laundry…always laundry. More gingerbread men decorating with the littlest kids. Finishing up my book club book. Feeling tired, but grateful.
P.S. This morning, it was about 20-something degrees out and we had to move the pigs to new pasture. This is always a family affair as we move the hot wire, bring breakfast and generally keep the pigs distracted until we’re all set up. I didn’t get a photo of myself, but this meme is eerily accurate and cracked me up:
Ahhhh the real life versus the instagram photo!! Yes…carrying buckets of feed and warm water for the animals and praying you don’t slip on the ice, good times! i used to get my nails and hair done, then we bought a house, built a large garden, got chickens & a dog and had 8 kids.. now i cut my own hair and i hardly care about my nails … life’s funny!
YES! It’s definitely not a glamorous life, but it’s a good life.