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February was a welcome relief from January’s bitterly cold temperatures and we were able to check off quite a few pressing tasks. Still not where I’d like us to be, but progress! Here’s what we accomplished around the homestead during the second month of 2022:
+ Fred had to be separated from the ladies, so Mark and the boys built him a new little A-frame house. I was worried sick that he would be lonely, but he seems to love his bachelor life. On the first day, he cozied right up and slept the entire afternoon! I think he also appreciates that he doesn’t have to share his meals anymore, ha!
+ I made another few batches of fodder for the chickens.
+ On one beautiful spring-like day, I put together a new chicken tractor for the broilers. We’ve had this run since last summer’s hawk attacks, but ended up never putting it together. This works to our benefit because with a few tweaks, it will be perfect for our dudes. (Ours is similar to this one, but yikes – inflation has even hit chicken runs!)
+ I finally tested my garden soil with this kit. Our pH was around 6-6.5, so great for vegetables. Unfortunately, the soil was very deficient in nitrogen and phosphorus, so I will have to add some amendments before planting.
+ I pruned some of the fruit trees.
+ We measured the pigs for a rough weight estimate using this calculator. The ladies that will be going to the butcher in June are roughly 115-130 pounds, which seems about right for pasture raised Berkshire/Tamworth pigs in the winter. I’m sure they’ll pack on the pounds quickly as the weather gets warmer.
+ We’re running out of room! We definitely could use a barn, but since that’s $$$ we don’t have, we’re making do with what we have. On one of the warmer weekend days, we rearranged and organized and moved things around our shed and garage. It’s amazing what a good cleanout can do!
Feels good to get things checked off the list!!! I just got another truck load of goat compost for free (Yay) to break down for a month or two before adding it to the garden. And finally got around to cleaning out the green-house only to find out a rat had moved in UGH!!! Traps are set and lettuce and cilantro are now growing, looking forward to filling it with hot peppers this summer!!!
Free compost is AWESOME!
What a cute pig 🙂