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After a two year hiatus, I’m back to recording little snippets of our everyday life with the 1 Second Everyday app. I love this type of memory keeping.
Springtime has not just brought new growth and sunny days, but also our favorite friend: allergies! In an attempt to save a little money (and avoid some side effects from conventional choices), I decided to try out a homeopathic version. Honestly, I had low expectations but I’ve actually been highly impressed! My worst symptom is a runny nose and one pill clears me right up. My husband and son suffer worse than I do and even they feel like it helps. And 60 tablets for a little over $6 can’t be beat. I purchase from iHerb, but you can also get them on Amazon.
My husband followed the Bible in a Year podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz in 2021 and enjoyed it so much that he requested that my oldest two sons listen for 2022. We’ve had such great conversations dissecting what they’ve been learning! In March, I incorporated it as part of my Lenten discipline and haven’t missed a day yet.
I heard about this organic mycorrhizal fungi powder from a gardener on Youtube and decided to give it a try. The claims are astounding: it is supposed to promote vigorous root growth, deceases the amount of watering needed, enables the soil to retain nutrients longer, and reduces transplant shock. I’ve used the powder for all of my transplants (including fruit trees!) and they’ve all done great so far.
I recently found this little card below while decluttering. I have no idea where it came from or how it came to be in my house, but I loved the rules and taped it up on my mirror. With everything going on at home and out in the world, I am specifically working on #10: Live one day at a time. Tomorrow will take care of itself, right?
That note card has a lot of wisdom! Reminds me a lot of Fr Thomas Hopko’s maxims for christian living (though I think he has 50)
I’ve never heard of those maxims…I’ll check it out, thanks!
My husband and i have been are both doing Bible in a year with Fr Mike, although we are different days sometimes my husband binges and does a week on a saturday afternoon as he mows the property. Our teens listen some and it has made for some good discussions… although with homeschooling it seems like there is no end to the discussions we have- from taxes, inflation , communism, to dog breeds, martyr saints, and art theory. Never a dull day!!!
Oh my goodness, I hear you on the endless discussions! So much going on in the world to hash out and try to understand.
I downloaded 1 Second Everyday and am so excited to try it! Especially during this time when I feel like each of my kids are growing in leaps and bounds by the week!
About allergies: my little brother has them terrible, and he decided he wanted to go a more natural route as well, and started eating a spoonful of honey that was harvested locally everyday. It made a huge difference in his allergies. Nature is so cool!
Let me know what you think! I “mash” the clips together at the end of every month and my kids LOVE watching them.
And great tip about the honey, thank you! We just found a beekeeper in our town, so we’ll have to pick up a few jars.
Have a hobbie is an advice I need to hear regularly. Sometimes I’m good about it but then I fall of the wagon