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Thank you so much for your well wishes and prayers on my last post!
The weather outside is //
As I look outside my window // We were able to assess the damage throughout the entire property and while it’s extensive, it’s nowhere near as bad as some of our neighbors and farmer friends. Some of our moveable Premier 1 fencing was mangled beyond repair. There was damage to the chicken coop and my enclosed garden, but we repaired them with materials at home. Our perimeter property fencing was crushed in a few spots. We hired our go-to company to chop up some of the larger and more precariously hanging trees and my husband cut the rest. (We had four completely uprooted trees, which was wild.) The weekend was spent cleaning up the mess and there’s more to do.
As I look around the house // We were without power for about 52 hours and were beyond happy to see those lights come on again! I have some major laundry catch-up to do…
Starting // the planning process for next school year. I’ll have all six kids to teach, 10th grade down to K, and I’m a little in shock at how fast time flies. My kids are so big! Hoping to finalize the curriculum selections (using mostly things I already own) and then get myself organized for the year ahead.
On this week’s to-do list //
– move the old curriculum out and new curriculum in
– order the last materials needed for next school year
– deal with the Japanese beetle issue on the fruit trees
– make a batch of iced peach tea
– hang flag fan banners on the porch
– continue working on emergency binder
– send two pigs off to the butcher (a bittersweet day!)
Currently reading //
- Fiction: Nothing to Hide by J. Mark Bertrand
- Nonfiction: Hidden America: From Coal Miners to Cowboys, An Extraordinary Exploration of the Unseen People Who Make This Country Work by Jeanne Marie Laskas
- Religious: Christus Vincit: Christ’s Triumph Over the Darkness of the Age by Bishop Athanasius Schneider
On the menu this week //
I’m going to try bulk cooking in an attempt to save some time and electricity on these hot, summer days. Maybe a bunch of chicken, hamburgers and brats on the grill? We can then use the meat throughout the week for chicken salads, tacos, burgers, etc. It should be easy enough to whip up some simple sides each night. We’ll see how this goes.
so sorry to hear about your property damage. thankfully nothing too serious or life threatening…..crazy summer weather, we had almost a month of rain then 1week of sun and a high of 95 and now we are back in the 60s with a chance of rain. sadly we lost a fair amount of strawberries due to rain.
Such a bummer about your strawberries. Yes, the weather this year has been wild!