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I feel you, Alexander. Last week was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week. Well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration…
Still. Lots of hard things happened all at once. Isn’t that always the way? We had more farm catastrophes. I started a new skincare routine (per my monthly goals) and my skin completely broke out in response. My husband had a health issue flare up, causing him excruciating pain. I miscounted my cross-stitch and had to rip out a whole section of stitches. My clothes dryer started making weird noises. And on and on and on. Some weeks are like that, right?
Thankfully, there were still some bright moments sprinkled throughout the days. Here are a few:
We’ve been watching the progress on this spider web. Pretty incredible.
What a surprise and honor. I cried.
My oldest son helped a local farmer with morning chores while he was out of town for Labor Day. I followed along one morning and loved seeing another system. Definitely took some notes and pictures!
A line from the Litany of the Holy Ghost that I’ve been pondering: Holy Ghost, inspire in us the practice of good.
First book club meeting of the new year! I don’t know these women well, but they are all so kind and generous. Looking forward to reading and learning with them.
We had the most beautiful Mass in the new spot on Sunday. My heart was filled to bursting. How quickly I forget how He can turn a little into a lot! It also seems the Gospel was just the one I needed to hear at the end of this hard week, especially this part: O ye of little faith! Be not solicitous therefore saying: What shall we eat, or what shall we drink, or wherewith shall we be clothed? for after all these things do the heathen seek. For your Father knows that you have need of all these things. Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God, and His justice; and all these things shall be added unto you. After that pertinent reminder, I’m back on track and ready to face whatever comes. Deo gratias.
I hope this week is better! There is a lot going on out there right now, to be sure. Spiritual warfare. The yellow flowers (sunflowers?) and the spiderweb are both beautiful!
My husband and I were also asked to be godparents to a little one coming soon. It is thrilling 🙂
Thank you. This week has been MUCH less exciting, praise be to God!