I take terrible care of myself. I’m less than two years from 40 and I still haven’t fully learned the lesson that you cannot pour from an empty cup. I put myself dead last on the priority list and the cracks are beginning to show. I burn out, I fall into funks, I lose my spunk. I don’t want to be that person anymore. So in this year of endurance, I’m embarking on true self-care: treating my body, mind and spirit in the way I would my best friend. I want this balance desperately and this is the year I’m making it happen.
I knew two things were true: I need to be out in fresh air every day and I need to move my body, even if it’s just a walk around the property. Even though it was January and winter and cold, I put on my big girl pants and committed to 31 days of getting outside. I was like the mailman: come rain or shine, I was out of the house for at least 30 minutes! And you know I have a tendency to be a little dramatic, but I’ll say it anyway: I think it changed my life.
The first five days were a huge blessing for getting a new routine established. We had a winter “heat wave” with daily temperatures into the upper 60s! Things got trickier as the temperatures fell to more normal levels, but I persevered. And it got easier and easier! I eventually adapted to the cold (having the right amount of layers is crucial!) and started looking forward to getting out there each morning. The time that worked best for me was around 7:30-8am, as the sun was rising and before the real craziness of our days began.
To document this month, I decided to try a mini-movie in 1 Second Everyday style. It started as a mix of beautiful sunrises and beautiful things I saw along the way, but soon became a visual journal of farm chores and my animals:
- I took added/refined sugars almost completely out of my diet. As much as I try to minimize it, sugar is just terrible for you in so many ways. And that’s not even counting how addicting it is! This is the year to reset my taste buds.
- I was very consistent with my vitamin/supplement routine. Every morning, I took a multivitamin, D3, a probiotic, and even tried apple cider vinegar gummies! (A little added sugar “cheat”.) Three or four evenings a week, I would drink a magnesium supplement with my tea. This regiment seems to be working as I feel really, really good.
- I went back to intermittent fasting. I varied my start times in the morning – eating anywhere from 8:30 to 10am – but I always closed my window at 6pm. I do IF for multiple reasons and the weight loss is just an added benefit. I lost about five pounds in January, but the mental clarity, increased energy and stable blood pressure are even better wins.
Looking forward to seeing what I can accomplish in Month #2!
Hooray for self care!!! I struggle with that myself, i sometimes feel like i’m being selfish for thinking of my self when there are so many things and people that need attention!! walking is huge for me too…. i did have to cancel a couple time in january when we had an ice storm and wind storm, flying branches seemed like a concussion waiting to happen. keep up the good work!!!
Flying branches is definitely a good reason to skip a day or two, ha!
I really needed to read this today! I am two months away from 40 and finding myself heading to physical therapy for the first time for apparently a rotator cuff (shoulder) injury. When – who knows – I have just been dealing with it about 3 months and I guess hoping it will heal naturally. Well I haven’t been taking very good care. I also find it inspiring to eliminate sugar and I like your realistic IF window.
You deserve to feel well! Be assured of my prayers for a quick recovery.
The 1 second each day video was so fun to watch!
I am super impressed you got out everyday. You go girl!!!
Such an important topic, and so good that you were able to establish some routines around it