I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about how I’m firmly in the “in-between” stage of so many aspects of my life right now. The farm is getting more established, but still has countless half-finished projects strewn across the property. I’m more proficient in running the farm, but nowhere near an expert. The house is comfortable, but the list of updates is still miles long. The mortgage reduction goal is well on its way but we’re far off from the finish line. And on and on and on. The in-between is uncomfortable for someone like me who prefers things in tidy little boxes and tasks checked off the list. I struggle with the mess, with the imperfection, with the unknowing. But God is good, isn’t He? I’ve grown and learned more in the past three years than I probably have in the last decade. Non nobis Domine non nobis sed nomini tuo da gloriam – Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory. (Psalm 115)
We recently purchased a new-to-us puzzle at our favorite used bookstore. (Here’s the Amazon listing so you can see the whole thing.) Super cute with so many little details.
I’ve been listening to a podcast called Sold a Story and feel so vindicated. (I have had a personal experience with this during my kids’ time in public school, but that’s a story for another day.) I’m sure there are worthy arguments on both sides of this apparently hot-button issue, but it’s definitely worth a listen if you feel like your lower elementary school kids are struggling with reading.
Did you notice an orangey-red sun where you live this week? Apparently due to the wildfires in Canada, smoke and haze were prevalent in the mid-Atlantic region, making the sun appear red. Eerie.
A few photos from around the farm:
You wrote this “The in-between is uncomfortable for someone like me who prefers things in tidy little boxes and tasks checked off the list. I struggle with the mess, with the imperfection, with the unknowing. But God is good, isn’t He? I’ve grown and learned more in the past three years than I probably have in the last decade. ” and I would say I can agree wholeheartedly! Maybe I can break the items into even smaller checklist items but maybe that misses the point of the discomfort and learning opportunity.
I also just finished listening to that podcast too! It doesn’t impact me from my education standpoint – my husband and I had a good conversation about how we each learned phonics – though he has some other challenges with reading. But, I was dismayed to realize the breadth of impact that cueing (sp?) model will have on so many students.
You caught me! I’m over here breaking items down into TINY pieces just so I have something to check off the list, ha! I just call them morale boosters for the journey. 🙂