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The weather outside is //
As I look outside my window // We’ve had a ton of rain lately. There’s nothing more uncomfortable than doing morning chores in the cold, pouring rain but I’m also so very grateful. We had a pretty significant drought this summer and our pastures were bone dry. So this rain is good! It’s even better when we can stay warm and dry inside by the fire.
As I look around the house // it’s beginning to look a teeny bit like Advent! We decorate slowly throughout December and I love how that simple action increases the Christmas anticipation. So far, we’ve put up the Nativity scene, window candles and a few twinkle lights. The tree will go up as soon as we can figure out how to keep Samson away from it! (He has a tendency to mark his territory on trees…ahem.)
Excited about // some fun surprises up my sleeve for Advent School this year. I bought this perler bead gingerbread house kit, this Countdown to Christmas advent activity book, and this Christmas watercolor book. We’ll also be checking out the Advent videos on Formed.
Pondering // this little paragraph from Come, Lord Jesus (this is my fourth year reading this book for Advent, I think?):
I love to recall the word of the poet Sister Madeleva that I find ineffably dear: “In Advent I always feel that I should walk on tiptoe.” Indeed, in the wonder of Advent, we should spiritually walk on tiptoe, full of expectancy, full of wonder.” (p.22)
Working // on so many creative projects and it feels so good. I’ve started on my “December Daily” junk journal. After more than a year (!!), I also pulled out my quilt and my cross-stitch sampler again and have been stitching on both. (I had not made much progress since I shared them back in this post.) In other crafty news, I fell down a new Youtube rabbit hole. Did you know there is such a thing as Flosstube? What “booktube” is for readers, “flosstube” is for cross-stitchers! They are arguably the most wholesome, lovely group of women on the Internet. Their videos are like a grown-up show and tell…I love it.
On this week’s to-do list //
– dry orange slices for decorations
– mail gifts for faraway relatives
– wrap a few presents
– work on Christmas cards
– celebrate St. Nicholas Day and the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Currently reading //
- Fiction: Light Changes Everything by Nancy E. Turner
- Nonfiction: Cobalt Red: How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives by Siddharth Kara and The Ditchdigger’s Daughters by Yvonne S. Thornton, MD
- Religious: Come, Lord Jesus: Meditations on the Art of Waiting by Mother Mary Francis, PCC and The Practice of the Presence of God by Bro. Lawrence
On the menu this week //
Monday: hearty slowcooker beef stew
Tuesday: chicken pot pie
Wednesday: pasta with homemade bolognese sauce
Thursday: Refrigerator Clean Out Night
Friday: bean and cheese tostadas
One of our favorite Christmas activities is cutting snowflakes out of coffee filters. It’s relatively inexpensive- you can get 200 filters for less than $2- and they are so fun to put in windows. Maybe something to add to your advent activities!
We made snowflakes from coffee filters a few years ago and I LOVED them. Thanks for the reminder!
Looking at your menu list, just thought I’d throw out that I believe Friday is a MEAT FRIDAY!!!! since it’s the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Double check me though.
Oh my gosh, I think you’re right! I was definitely making my menu on autopilot this week…I’m going to have to plan something special. Thanks for that reminder!