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Bringing back this prompt once again. (Here’s part one, part two, and part three.) I love that it reminds me that there is much to love, even in the everyday minutiae. Here’s my list:
Teenage boys and their pull-up challenges. Watching how much Sammy (our Great Pyrenees) loves the baby piglets. Getting so much out of The Divine Comedy! Little brothers playing happily together. Eating “pink lemonade” blueberries right off the bush. Shady spots outside during boiling hot days. Rain.
Hoping to document the abundance around me all year long!
Around here, abundance looks like…
+ the terribly unbearable heat! It has been SO hot lately. Our days have been focused on keeping the pigs cool with splashes of cold water, mud wallows and frozen foods.
+ selling two unneeded items for the Car Loan Payoff Plan: one reusable shopping bag and a shirt. After shipping and fees, I made $8.14!
Reading //
- LOTS of new information in Nuclear War by Annie Jacobsen, including this (less scary) fact:
In the 1950s, President Eisenhower created the U.S. highway system with this kind of dual-use in mind. He modeled America’s original “National System of Interstate and Defense Highways” after “the superlative system of German autobahn,” he wrote in his presidential memoirs. Not only could U.S. highways facilitate large-scale evacuation of cities in a nuclear war, but the broad, flat interstate lanes could be used as runways for takeoff and landings on bombing runs. For setting down a helicopter in the median strip, or along the side of the road in the grass. This is how many of America’s mid-century transportation systems were designed. (p.100)
- What City Kids Learn on My Farm from Larissa Phillips at The Free Press // “Here are some things I have taught the kids who visit my farm: animals don’t care about your feelings, and sometimes we kill them to eat them. It doesn’t matter how desperately you want to find more eggs, the hens don’t lay on demand. Tomatoes aren’t ripe in June. The stalls aren’t going to clean themselves. Cuts, scrapes, and stings aren’t really a big deal. And there will always be poop.”
- You Don’t Need To Document Everything from Freya India at Girls // “Influencers are of course the most extreme examples—but this impulse is so ingrained in everyone now. This pressure to post everything. And I think it’s a massive cause of anxiety for Gen Z. There’s a sense now that something didn’t happen if you don’t share it. There are young people who wouldn’t understand going to an event, travelling somewhere, being in a relationship, if they couldn’t post about it. They would not see the point. They simply cannot conceive of a life that exists without an audience consuming it.”
New Additions to The List //
- What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets by Michael J. Sandel
- Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy
- One Poor Scruple by Josephine Ward // another Melisa recommendation!
Watching/Listening //
- Harmed by Prescribed Medications: the Untold Story of Pharmaceutical Companies from Best Documentary // This was very eye opening.
- The Letter: Appalachia’s All-Time Classic Remastered from The Appalachian Storyteller
- Inferno Cantos 19-27 of 100 Days of Dante from Baylor Honors College
Loving //
- The Homeschool Printing Company // I needed a PDF file printed and spiral-bound and they did awesome work!
- dried mango // I’m obsessed.
I am feeling you with this heat – what in the world? it is soul crushing. The animals water, the garden, the kids who don’t even want to go outside for more than 20 minutes. Gah!? We can’t even walk barefeet on this spiky dead grass! I know you know! Sending cool and rainy thoughts to you! xxo
Soul crushing heat – YES! We try to get all of our outside chores done before 9am and then we hibernate indoors until after dinner! There’s rain in the forecast this week and I can’t wait. Hope it’s the same for you too!!
Love that art at the top of your post. The sun! It’s beautiful!
Your photo of the rain was so good, I swear I could hear the rain falling.
Love your posts and bits you share with us!
I’ve never been more thankful for rain!