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This might be one of the most convicting religious books I’ve ever read. So very thought provoking and challenging. I’ll be praying about this a lot in the coming months.
#78. DRACULA by Bram Stoker // ★★☆☆☆
(amazon // bookshop)
I probably should have just DNFed this one, but I stubbornly persevered, even though it took me forever to finish and just about killed my love of reading. (Dramatic much?) It’s written in letters and journal entries, which I typically enjoy, but for some reason, I just could not get into the story. I’m happy to have read it and even happier to be done.
#79. ROVERANDOM by J.R.R. Tolkien // ★★★☆☆
(amazon // bookshop)
I picked up this short story (because of this recommendation) to read aloud to my littlest boys. We liked it!
#80. MRS. POLLIFAX ON THE CHINA STATION by Dorothy Gilman // ★★★☆☆
(amazon // bookshop // better world books)
Number six in the series! Entertaining but didn’t have a dramatic twist at the end like some of the earlier ones.
#81. SO BRAVE, YOUNG, AND HANDSOME by Leif Enger // ★★★★☆
(amazon // bookshop // better world books)
Enger’s Peace Like a River is one of my favorite books, so I was excited to finally read more of his work. This one is a Wild West/cowboy story with themes like justice and forgiveness and redemption. I really enjoyed it.
Unread Books as of January 1, 2024: 209
Books Finished in November: 5
Books Donated/Sold in November: -1
Books Added: +0
Unread Books Remaining: 210
I will have to look into the Dubay book. I have never heard of it.
As for Enger, I recently read Peace Like a River but I did not like it. I kept feeling like I should have “gotten it” but I never did. I wonder if I would like his other work? Hmmm…
I completely understand what you’re saying about “getting” a book. In my case, it’s Flannery O’Connor…I know so many people who love her writing, but I just don’t seem to get it! I appreciate her craft once someone holds my hand and explains it to me, but that sort-of takes away from the overall reading experience. 🙂