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#13. GIRL WAITS WITH GUN by Amy Stewart // ★★★★☆
(amazon // bookshop // better world books)
This novel is historical fiction but based on real events and real people. The author pieced together a story from newspaper articles and letters – so interesting. This is the first book in a series so I’ll definitely pick up book two. 3.5 stars, rounded up.
#14. THE SPIRITUAL WRITINGS OF SAINT JOHN BOSCO edited by Joseph Aubry // ★★★☆☆
(I can’t find a copy of this for sale anywhere!)
It took me a long time to get through this book John Bosco’s writings. I enjoyed his biographical writings and the conferences written to his order. Unfortunately, there were also big sections with his correspondence to friends and benefactors and I found it pretty repetitive. I’m sure there is value in preserving them in their entirety, but I had a hard time picking up the book during those parts!
Every one of us, each in his own way, has the knowledge and is endowed with qualities and talents which allow us to strive for perfection – if not in all things, then certainly in some. Let us not be deceived by that false pretext which we hear sometimes: It is none of my business, let someone whose duty it is to take care of it! When reminded that he was not officially responsible for all these souls and that he did not have to work so hard, Philip would answer: “Did my good Jesus have any obligation to shed His blood for me? He died on the Cross for the salvation of souls. And will I, His minister, refuse to put up with some inconvenience or toil in order to reciprocate?” (p.184-185)
#15. FINLAY DONOVAN KNOCKS EM DEAD by Elle Cosimano // ★★★☆☆
(amazon // bookshop // better world books)
This was the second book in the series I started back in January. Like the first, it was an entertaining read, but too far-fetched. I was already unsure about the “suspense romance” genre and reading this book solidified that it’s just not for me. 2.5 stars, rounded up. (And thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book!)
#16. ON THE EDGE OF THE DARK SEA OF DARKNESS by Andrew Peterson // ★★★★☆
(amazon // bookshop // better world books)
Book One in the Wingfeather series and our read aloud for school. I’m not really a fantasy reader, so I’d rate it about a 3, but my boys were big fans. (I met in the middle with my rating of four stars.) After we finished the book, we spent the next few afternoons watching the episodes on DVD.
(amazon // bookshop // better world books)
I’ve been reading deeply about the Civil War era for Mother Academia and this was an interesting rabbit hole to dive into. The book is comprised of three biographies and while it’s a little dense, I found it to be an interesting read on human temperament and personality. You may have knee-jerk reactions to the names of any of these women, but ultimately, they were all very human, with strengths and weaknesses like everyone else. 3.5 stars.
Unread Books as of January 1, 2025: 206
Books Finished in March: 5
Books Donated/Sold in March: 0
Books Added: +0
Unread Books Remaining: 194
Current “Read 100 Books Off My Shelves Project” Total: 19/100
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