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Linking up with Anne’s “Currently” linkup!
RECOVERING // from a sudden upper respiratory infection. I had a hacking cough, a low-grade fever (my first in over a decade!), sweats, chills, you name it. So weird. Thankfully, the worst was over in a couple of days.
FIELDING // lots of begging for screen time. Even with homeschooling, the transition from school to summer is hard! I’ve been suuuper lenient with screens the past two weeks but am slowly tightening up the reins. Days and days of rain and thunderstorms certainly hasn’t helped things either.
WEARING // a mix of running clothes and shorts and tees, with a maxi dress thrown in every once in awhile. It’s been so sticky and humid!
ORDERING // a new planner, one of my favorite tasks of the summer! (#nerd) Every year, I hem and haw about all of the great choices, but always end up going with my inexpensive go-to. This year, I decided to go smaller than I usually do – the 8.5″x11″ was starting to feel unwieldy.
COLLECTING // houseplants. I bought a “Hens and Chicks” succulent for Mother’s Day as well as another one I haven’t identified yet but love. Next on my list is a snake plant, also known as “Mother-In-Law’s Tongue” – such a weird name!
READING // A Piece of the World and How to Raise a Wild Child. I also am so close to finishing The Long Loneliness.
BAKING // my first loaf of sourdough bread! Keeping a starter alive and healthy is intimidating and the process is a little intense, but oh my gosh. The finished product is so good. I need a lot of practice, but I can’t wait to keep trying this summer.
EATING // 90% sugar-free again. Why is this so hard?! I’ve been really craving ice cream cones and popsicles.
PRACTICING // some tips from Siblings Without Rivalry and not doing very well, hah! While the kids look at me crazily when I try my “script”, we all end up laughing and the tension is diffused, so…still a win, I think?
RUNNING // three or four times a week and finally making some progress! It feels good to be at the point where every mile isn’t torture. I’ve got my sights on another 10k this fall.
PLANNING // projects I want to accomplish before school begins again. If the rain will ever end (?!), I’d like to paint my front door and shutters and plant a few things in our new front flower beds. Also on the list is finally restaining the porches, hanging the lights on the back deck, organizing the school room and getting rid of unused things in the basement. Can’t wait to get started!
I hope the storms stop for you soon so you can do all your projects – and the kids can have fun sans-screen. 🙂 Ooh getting a new planner is always fun!!
Thanks Lauren, me too! The weather was absolutely beautiful yesterday and looks to be the same today, so hopefully we're turning a corner!
I'm glad you're feeling better!
Thank you! I'm almost back to 100% today!
Yay on the running. You go girl! I am fascinated by a sourdough starter. I commend you for making it happen.
Sourdough is really amazing! I'm still in awe that just flour, water, and salt can create delicious loaves of bread.
I wish I were better with house plants – that one is so sweet! And the names are pretty amusing too. Hope you have a great summer and get lots of projects done 🙂
I've already managed to kill 2/3 of my herbs (minus that thyme in the picture) – I'm praying I don't have a black thumb, hah!
I just bought the same planner yesterday! I also nerd out a bit about it 🙂
No way! How do you like it? I think it will be perfect for my needs this year. Just big enough.
Oh my gosh, I have a very similar illness right now too! When I told Logan my whole body hurt yesterday, he was like, "Uhhh, summer flu?" Lol. I'm on day 3 and feeling a little better finally, but whew, being a sick momma is ROUGH. Glad you're on the upswing!
Yes! It took me by total surprise – I managed to stay healthy ALL winter too! Prayers you get back to normal soon.
I just bought a new houseplant container for a couple cacti that I was given as a wedding favor. Such a cute gift! I enjoy looking at my kitchen sink now since it looks decorative. 🙂 I totally know what you mean about running. I jog, and I took a couple weeks off and have been paying for it with each step!
Love the idea of cacti as a wedding favor! So cute.