100 Little Things Round Three was a bit of a dud. Moving automatically deleted almost a dozen home improvement items. A lack of time, funds or excitement had me dragging my feet with many of the rest. And like with Round Two, I was WAY too liberal with the multi-part items. When will I learn that those take up so much time?
Anyway, I’m ready to take the lessons learned from last year, tuck that list away and start fresh. I’m excited.
1. Re-read all the books in the Little House series
2. Read a book over 500 pages
3. Re-read all the books in the Anne of Green Gables series
4. Take the Catholic Mindfulness course
5. Finish reading the Catechism by January 1
6. Bake a new quick bread
7. Try a new dairy-free recipe
8. Run the Historic Half again and beat my first time
9. Run a 10K
10. Try a new breakfast spot with the “Fab 4” and my Dad
11. Meet a blog friend
12. Visit the Virginia Safari Park
13. Hike in Shenandoah National Park
14. Have another cousins weekend trip
15. Learn about Georgia O’Keeffe and try her techniques
16. Learn about Jackson Pollock and try his techniques
17. Learn about Edward Hopper and try his techniques
18. Learn about Maya Lin and try her techniques
19. Make lavender sachets
20. Learn (and be able to recite!) a new poem by heart
21. Make a photobook with our wedding photos
22. Start a Q&A journal for my kids
23. Blog everyday for a month (Write 31 Days)
24. Read aloud 1000 books
25. Send out 50 vintage postcards
26. Start a commonplace notebook
27. Build an outdoor dining table for the back porch
28. Participate in the International Correspondence Writing Month in Feb
29. Make a mini album
30. Make a “1 Second Everyday” video
31. Place an order on Mochi Things
32. Learn how to play cribbage
33. Learn a new card game
34. Come up with a solution for recyclables
35. Get a shorter haircut
36. Potty train TJ
37. Take an Epsom salt bath
38. Go apple picking
39. Complete a Week in the Life photo project in the fall
40. Complete a Week in the Life photo project in the spring
41. Sign up for a Blessed is She membership
42. Make kindness rocks with the kids
43. Learn the definitions to 20 SAT-like words
44. Clean my makeup brushes
45. Find a type of sushi that I like
46. Make a big batch of homemade taco seasoning to keep in the pantry
47. Buy a plant for the master bedroom
48. Buy a succulent
49. Join a CSA
50. Learn how to make baguettes
51. Bake bread in the dutch oven
52. Buy an ice cream maker
53. Grow tomatoes
54. Grow cucumbers
55. Buy another vintage globe for the collection
56. Pay off the car
57. Paint a piece of furniture with chalk paint
58. Try kombucha
59. Make a calm down glitter jar
60. Plan out flower beds for the front of the house
61. String lights throughout the back porch
62. Research composting
63. Paint the shutters and front door
64. Paint the entire second floor
65. Complete a December Daily project
66. Wrap and read one book everyday during Advent
67. Make a popcorn garland for the Christmas tree
68. Watch the Nutcracker (or see it live!)
69. Buy a piece of original art
70. Make a Kitchen Recipe Binder
71. Try a new essential oil diffuser blend
72. Host a brunch
73. Join Catholic Book of the Month Club
74. Add three saint picture books to our collection
75. Hang a gallery wall of family pictures
76. Camp indoors with the kids
77. Create a bird watching kit
78. Buy a rug for the master bedroom
79. Buy a rug for the school room
80. Eat dinner by candlelight
81. Try using the freezer paper stencil method on a t-shirt
82. Read a biography about Dorothy Day
83. Begin a monthly “Crafternoon” with the kids
84. Learn to paint with watercolors
85. Finally finish Sophie’s princess cross-stitch
86. Complete a new cross-stitch project
87. Make a quilt
88. Replace the dining room light fixture
89. Make a fire pit
90. Bake a cake
91. Complete the PiYo program
92. Paint the little boys’ headboards
93. Make oobleck
94. Try a new tea flavor
95. Hang a porch swing
96. Plant a Mary flower garden
97. Make root beer floats
98. Learn how to dehydrate fruit
99. Create a huge highway using painter’s tape
100. Make a new wreath
Little House on the Prairie- yes!!! Love those ones!
Anne of Green Gables- yes!!! (I am on book 4 and loving these again!)
Read aloud 1000 books– I love this one! We do 3 books each night, I wonder if we could get to 1000!
We have LOVED our picnic table. It's been such a fun way to share meals with the family! We found ours for only $99 at Lowe's and Josh put it together.
I LOVE reading other people's "Day in the life" posts. I will look forward to that from you!!!
Lights outside are so magical! Fun fun fun!
Calm down glitter jars are amazing! I had one for Wyatt and he'd keep it with him in timeout. Once the glitter settled, he could come see me. It worked so well for him.
You're inspiring me, as always!!!
You easily could reach 1000 books! I think it comes out to around 83/month, so 2-3 a day.
I just re-read your list for inspiration for my own list (working on it!) and saw you were looking for a recyclable solution– not sure what your county does, but ours takes it all in a big bin, so in our house I have one giant garbage can for garbage, and a different colored one next to it, for recyclables. The boys take it out to the outside bin when it gets full, just like the trash. That's how my mother-in-law did it when we lived there and I love how easy it makes recycling.
6. Quick Bread idea: Summer squash lemon poppyseed (I found it on pinterest and it was delish and so useful as this summer we've been gifted so much zucchini and summer squash from one of Brandon's co-worker's gardens!)
11. Can I be the blog friend you meet, please? xxxoxo
30. i love those 1 second everyday videos!!
I love how specific and do-able your tasks are. Each year I have been trying to get more detailed and specific but it still feels like I'm too multi-step sometimes. Your list has my mind going and I'm so inspired! Can't wait to see all your successes!
Thanks so much for the quick bread rec. I'll search for it on Pinterest!
And YES to FINALLY meeting up! Let's get it on the calendar!