LISTENING // to the kids reminisce about our surprise trip to the zoo last week. Mark took the day off and we made the two hour trip south to explore the Metro Richmond Zoo. It was ridiculously hot (real feel was over 98°!) but we had a lot of fun. Afterward, TJ was sad that he didn’t see an elephant, which was literally one of the only animals missing out of over 200! Can’t please them all.
BAKING // blueberry peach cobbler for the first time this summer. Next time, I need to make a double batch so I can save a piece for breakfast. There are too many hungry kids in my house!
RUNNING // regularly after taking two weeks off due to travel and general busyness. I’m almost back to steady 10K mileage, which is exciting! I’m rolling around the idea of running the Turkey Trot again and redeeming myself from last year’s horrible performance. We’ll see.
PAINTING // the living room. Again. Embarrassingly, we’ve left it unfinished ever since the fiasco last February but I finally decided to tackle the touchups. This time we used as big of a roller as we could find, along with my favorite paintbrush. Three quarters of a can of paint from Sherwin Williams and it looks…not perfect, but better. I’m calling it good for now!
REGISTERING // with Poshmark to try selling a few things. I’ve only been on the site a few days and it’s already firing me up creatively. Photographing clothing has quite a learning curve (who knew?!), but I’m working on it!
Also: You can get $5 off your first purchase on Poshmark with my code: BWFARMHOUSE.
RECOVERING // from a mini heart attack when P (20 months) fell off the bed and somehow hit his head. There was so.much.blood and I couldn’t figure out how bad the cut was. Que the worst-case scenarios where he has a massive gash, I have to call 911, etc etc. Fortunately, I was quickly able to stop the bleeding and it really was just a tiny cut.
WATCHING // the latest season of Blue Bloods on Netflix with Mark after the kids go to bed. Love those Reagans.
LOVING // how S and J have become buddies again this summer. They’re like an old married couple and bicker like the best of them, so this is a welcome change. Lately, they like to draw together using Art of Kids tutorials. They’ll spend an hour working with Perler beads too.
PLANNING // for the new school year. I have thoroughly enjoyed my summer off, but those lessons plans won’t write themselves, hah! Our first day of school is August 20.
ORDERING // the last few schoolbooks we need before school begins. I bought this science book and this writing program for M’s middle school co-op classes and we’re trying out Explode the Code for J and S.
COUNTING // down the remaining days of summer. Fall will be here before we know it!
Oh gosh, head wounds are so scary – and they bleed like crazy, so it always seems worse than it is (sometimes!) I had to get stitches above one of my eyebrows when I was younger, but oh gosh, the bleeding! I'm glad it was just a tiny cut though.
Yes! It was almost laughable when I saw how tiny the cut actually was. Scary for sure!
My kids are like an old married couple as well LOL.
The phrase, "Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em" definitely applies to those two, haha!
Oof scalp wounds just bleed a lot! So hard to figure out exactly how bad it is when it's just gushing – we had one of those last week too, which ended up requiring some staples. Luckily they bounce back quickly and we're all healed up already. Moms are more traumatized than the kids, probably 🙂 And this blueberry peach cobbler sounds perfect – both are in season here, so I just might have to try it!
Oh man, you guys had it worse than us! And yes, it's amazing how fast he went from a screaming bloody mess to totally back to normal. It took this mama a little bit more time to recover. 🙂
Going to make this cobbler tonight! I am at my in laws and they have a huge nectarine tree. Thank you for sharing the recipe.
Hope you enjoy it as much as we do! xo
We just visited the Metro Richmond Zoo! Had a great if hot day; and as we were leaving my daughter said she was sad we didn't see the snow leopard ~ can't win.
Hah! It was SO hot when we were there too. By the time we got around to the end, we were sweating buckets!
Wow… blueberry peach cobbler sounds amazing! What a perfect summer treat. 🙂
Yes! It's a summertime staple at our house.
We love Blue Bloods too! It's so good!!!
We credit the Reagans for the creation of our Sunday dinner tradition. We hope all these kids will come see us every week when they're grown. 🙂