September is here and we have so much to look forward to: the start of co-op, multiple extra curricular activities, a 5K, and two birthdays. As I turned the page in my calendar and started filling things in, I couldn’t help but remember the days when my monthly pages were practically blank. When someone would ask when we were free, I’d laugh and say, “Pick a day, any day!” Oh, how times have (quickly!) changed. Take heart, mamas with a bunch of little ones who feel like your days stretch to eternity. Full schedules will be in your future before you know it, hah!
- wrap birthday gifts for TJ and Sophie
- attach glow-in-the-dark stars on the little boys’ room ceiling
- organize the toys in their room too (bring in the bookshelf?)
- buy new sneakers for M and S
- replace dryer balls
- go through the kids’ fall clothes and see what needs to be tossed/purchased
- sign up for Turkey Trot 10K in November
- beat my personal best 5K time (I’m running a race with my oldest in two weeks!)
- organize my closet
- STOP putting books on hold at the library (books have been coming off the hold list every week for two months now! I need a break)
If you’re reading on your phone or in a reader, be sure to click over to see what I checked off the list!
iron out our new routine as the school year beginsmake sure we have everything we need for co-op(I think we’re ready to go! First day is this Friday)- buy new sneakers for M and S
schedule Sophie’s Kindergarten immunizations(she needed four and was SO brave!)- go through the kids’ fall clothes and see what needs to be tossed/purchased (it’s been too hot to even think about this)
- replace dryer balls
start purchasing birthday gifts for TJ and S- weed and mulch the front flower beds (on the to-do list for today)
write a snail-mail letterresearch possible places to source inventory for Poshmarkcommit to 40 days of prayer and fasting for the victims of abuse and the healing of the Church
What about you? What do you hope to accomplish in the next two weeks?