My oldest ran his first 5K with me yesterday and we had so much fun. I wasn’t feeling great, but managed to keep up and only lost to him by 30 seconds. We’re both excited to run another one together in the spring. There’s nothing like a race to reignite my passion for running! With my hormonal issues and fall just being a crazy season, running felt like a chore and I started to dread it. I’m thrilled to get back into it – I feel more like myself already.
- vote!
- keep up with a 30 Day Running Streak
- order birthday gifts for M, J, and P (and then we’re done for another year, whew!)
- start ordering gifts for Christmas
- start thinking about what to do with the kids for Advent
- catch up on snail mail correspondence
- make 10+ sales on Poshmark
- organize all of the kids’ summer clothes and put in their appropriate bins
- decide on a cookie for the co-op cookie exchange party
- organize Sophie’s closet
- make homemade granola
- finish reading Estrogeneration
- read 50+ pages in Don Quixote
If you’re reading on your phone or in a reader, be sure to click over to see what I checked off the list!
finish painting the headboardsand add the topcoat- decide on a rug for the front hallway
send out Halloween packages(I sent books to my two littlest buddies)- finish reading Estrogeneration
- get the generator serviced (at over $700, this one gets pushed to the back burner until after Christmas. Fingers crossed we don’t have a blizzard anytime soon!)
- call to have someone look at the dishwasher (we had the septic tank serviced instead)
increase Poshmark inventory to 85+- take out and work on my quilt using Memere’s fabric (100LT #13)
buy lightbulbs for the dining room chandelierlook into supplements(I ordered magnesium and have a list of others to consider too – thanks for all of your help, blog friends!!)- give myself lots of patience and grace as I continue to fight through this hormonal mess (a work in progress, but I’m feeling better)
What about you? What do you hope to accomplish in the next two weeks?
I know it sounds crazy, but I hope to finish Christmas shopping! I did most of it super early and slacked off this past month. So it's not a completely unreasonable goal! I also want to try to catch up on my reading challenge. 4 books behind again, blah!
Such a great goal! I have my list of ideas written down, now to actually get to the ordering part. I hope to finish before Advent starts!