Compared to last year’s list, my goals for 2019 are short and simple. Here’s what I’d like to accomplish in the next 365 days:
Our biggest goal of the year! I told Mark that I want debt freedom for Christmas next year. It’s a lofty goal, but we’re going to try our hardest. This naturally means that most unnecessary home projects have been put on hold as well as spending in general. But it will all be worth the struggle at the end!
Complimentary to the goal above, I want to focus on (and appreciate!) the things I already have. I hope to use things up, like that food in the back of the pantry and my stash of craft supplies I’ve been saving for a rainy day. I want to break out my big camera again. And when I do make purchases, I want it to be intentional, making secondhand or small business our first choice before the “Big A” or big box stores.
I’ve found that having a big number goal stresses me out and influences the books I choose (namely: easier and shorter). Hopefully I’ll dig in to some big volumes without the pressure. I also want to read more non-fiction this year, stretching my horizons in new areas. I’d also like to return to physical books vs. reading on my Kindle.
My one little word for the year. I’m thinking this quote from Mary Oliver is a good starting point: “Instructions for Living a Life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
Get my health under control. Create a wardrobe at my current size that makes me feel confident and not frumpy (maybe I can do it entirely secondhand?). Distance myself from unhealthy relationships and open myself to possible new ones.
Maybe even a full marathon in the fall? And stay injury-free in the process.
What are your goals for 2019?
Perfect! …and I'm cheering you on!
So grateful for your inspiration and encouragement! XOXO
I like your idea of reading widely without a # goal in mind.
I am trying to decide if I want to set a # goal or not… What I really want to do is read a BUNCH of books off my own shelf. I don't really care what number, but the books I read, I want to be off my own shelf. I'm not sure… I'm still brainstorming!
I read a Dr. Phil book about boundaries and unhealthy relationships a few years back (Life Code) and it was VERY helpful in figuring out what I wanted and how to get it. I highly recommend it.
I hope you have a wonderful year and that you enjoy your year noticing. I love your Mary Oliver quote!!!!
Books off my own shelf – YES! I kept buying books last year (especially secondhand – my weakness!) and then kept reading books from the library on my Kindle instead. I think I'm going to put my Kindle in the closet for awhile until I can catch up on what I already own, hah!