New for 2019: consistently paying attention to the lives of the saints. I unearthed this book from my shelves and have started reading a few paragraphs while sipping my morning coffee. I’m just a week in and am already enjoying the variety of these followers of Christ. Men and women, rich and poor, educated and not, extroverts and introverts…so much to learn from every single one! We just celebrated Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton’s feast day on January 4th and I’ve been pondering this quote from her:
“Put your heart at His feet. It is the gift He loves the most.”
So simple and yet somehow so hard too. I’ll be repeating this to myself when I (often!) make life much more difficult than it needs to be.
- finish taking down Christmas decorations
- add consistent strength training to my weekly workouts
- sign up for a half marathon
- create an updated chore chart
- photograph and list all remaining inventory for Poshmark
- propagate my Christmas cactus (100LT #76)
- make paper snowflakes with the kids
- bake cookies with J
- make at least 5 recipe printouts from my huge pile (part of 100LT #10)
- start my #100dayproject
- attend a Latin Mass
- read Revelation and listen to commentary from Dr. Taylor Marshall
- write a snail mail letter
What about you? What do you want to accomplish in the next two weeks?
attending a latin mass is always on my to do list!!!…. the closest one to me is almost 2hours away. I would be interested to read a post about your experience after you go!!
Yes! There is a church with one about 35 minutes away and we'd like to start going once a month. I'm anxious to experience it and will definitely share.