Did you hear that Mary Oliver passed away? I have only the simplest knowledge of her work, but many of the pieces I’ve read have really touched me. This is the one I’ve been thinking about while we had a winter wonderland outside:
“Snow was falling, so much like stars
filling the dark trees
that one could easily imagine
its reason for being was nothing more
than prettiness.”
- No Sugar (Mark and I are trying to go without it for 90 days…pray for me)
- start preparing for taxes
- wrap Mark’s birthday gifts
- catch up on snail mail correspondence
- photograph and list all remaining inventory for Poshmark
- finally finish my winter cross-stitch project (100LT #23)
- check Home Depot for a snake plant
- buy a bag of potting soil
- propagate my Christmas cactus (100LT #76)
- research shampoo bars (100LT #84)
- deep clean the living room (vacuum the couch!)
- start a separate Christmas fund and determine amount to save (thanks for the inspiration, Brooke!)
- keep closer track of how much we’re spending in groceries (those quick trips for milk add up)
If you’re reading on your phone or in a reader, be sure to click over to see what I checked off the list!
finish taking down Christmas decorations- add consistent strength training to my weekly workouts (I was on a roll before I caught a cold)
- sign up for a half marathon
create an updated chore chart- photograph and list all remaining inventory for Poshmark
- propagate my Christmas cactus (100LT #76)
make paper snowflakes with the kidsbake cookies with J- make at least 5 recipe printouts from my huge pile (part of 100LT #10) (1/5: I made pancakes)
start my #100dayproject(here’s hoping I can keep this up!)- attend a Latin Mass (we decided to wait until the next High Mass in February)
read Revelation and listen to commentary from Dr. Taylor Marshall(I’ve never read Revelation at this depth before and it was fascinating)write a snail mail letter
What about you? What do you hope to accomplish in the next two weeks?