“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”
― C.S. Lewis
- write those letters!
- order new moisturizer
- make bone broth
- start a compost pile (100LT #85)
- start making shopping/to-do lists for dog needs
- add five new pieces to my Poshmark closet
- decide what I want to read for Lent
- celebrate our 100th day of school in a special way
- introduce a little Shakespeare into our homeschool
- research costs for resealing the driveway (get quotes?)
If you’re reading on your phone or in a reader, be sure to click over to see what I checked off the list!
- to think about: how can I be more of a creator than a consumer?
finish taxesopen a separate Christmas accountstart thinking about a dog!(big things happening in April!)order a shampoo bar (100LT #84)(I purchased this one)order photos for the first month of my #100dayproject- catch up on snail mail correspondence (still so behind)
- leave thoughtful comments on at least 20 blog posts
figure out Valentines for the kids to pass out at co-cop(we went with the classic chocolate/sticker combo)make a plan for Poshmark(starting back slowly, but I had five orders, so not too shabby!)- finish at least one book that has been sitting on my “currently reading” list for months
What about you? What do you hope to accomplish in the next two weeks?
Yay for dogs!!!
We are excited and a little overwhelmed, hah! Looking forward to this next adventure.