Things are feeling a little…stale around here lately. Maybe it’s the weather that teases us with visions of spring before diving back into freezing sleet and snow. Maybe it’s the emotional roller-coaster of home repairs and insurance claims. Maybe it’s the daily – boring – routine of just “doing the next assignment” in our schoolbooks. Whatever the reason, I need to bring a little life back into our everyday! March seems like the right month to shake things up a little.
- create a regular routine of working out with D (we’re going to do T25 together!)
- replace burnt out recessed lighting bulbs in the living room and kitchen
- declutter and organize the school closet
- introduce a little Shakespeare into our homeschool
- plan something art-related to do with the kids
- play dominoes or cards after dinner as a family
- go on a date!
- send a package, just because (100LT #20)
- paint S’s room (100LT #69)
- start peeking around for a new dresser on yardsale sites or CL
- research costs for resealing the driveway (get quotes?)
- start a compost pile (100LT #85)
- bake bread
If you’re reading on your phone or in a reader, be sure to click over to see what I checked off the list!
- write those letters!
order new moisturizer(I ordered this one)make bone broth- start a compost pile (this keeps getting pushed off because of the crazy weather)
start making shopping/to-do lists for dog needs(SO much to learn and buy!)- add five new pieces to my Poshmark closet
decide what I want to read for Lent(blog post coming soon)celebrate our 100th day of school in a special way(we had a big snow/ice storm, so we made fresh snow cream!)- introduce a little Shakespeare into our homeschool
- research costs for resealing the driveway (get quotes?)
Looking forward to your lent post! I'm still not sure what I'm going to do