At the risk of sounding like total fat kids, Mark and I love food. We aren’t “foodies” by any stretch, but we love sitting down to a good meal together. There’s just something about dinner and good conversation…I don’t know, it’s our mutual love language. When we moved to our new home two months ago, I wanted to find something special that we could do as a couple. And randomly, I stumbled on Home Chef. I know there are a ton of these dinner box subscriptions out there, but the price was right (with $30 off the first delivery, it ended up being less than $20 for 4 meals) and we tried it out, fully planning to cancel if we weren’t impressed. GUYS. Friday nights have become our favorite time in the entire week. I have our delivery set to Friday, so our friendly Fed/Ex lady drops the box off in the afternoon. We usually make pizza with the kids, watch a movie and then whisk them off to bed so we can cook together. For whatever reason – maybe because we didn’t have to grocery shop or make the menu? – just following the instructions together is so fun. And almost every single thing we’ve made has been delicious. We have the “two meals for two” plan, so we’ll usually cook one to eat together on Friday night and then make the other to give Mark two lunches for work. If our budget is extra tight one paycheck, we skip one week’s delivery and just spread the two meals out. It’s a bit of a frivolous expense, but I can’t tell you how wonderful it’s been for my marriage. (If you’re interested, you can use my referral link to get $30 off your first delivery too!)
I love this stuff. Nuun is basically an electrolyte replenisher but without all the sugar and artificial coloring. I use one tablet in a big glass of ice water after every run, along with a scoop of collagen peptides. They are easy to transport, so we’ve also brought them for the boys after a hard soccer practice too. My favorite flavor is Citrus Fruit, but they’re all really good.
My favorite hymn. I randomly had it stuck in my head one day and a quick YouTube search revealed a version by Audrey Assad. She sings it so beautifully!
Since I started lifting weights, CrossFit has begun to pique my interest. Who am I?! I don’t recognize myself either, hah! There are two documentary-type movies on Netflix about the CrossFit Games and I’ve watched them at least two or three times each. (My favorite is Tia-Clair Toomey!) I’ll never be in the shape these athletes are in, but it’s so amazing to see what the human body can do.
I think I’ve mentioned how much I love Swagbucks on the blog before. I’m always searching for something on the Internet anyway, so why not earn points and eventually get paid for it? You can also earn points by completing surveys, shopping through their links or even watching videos. I’ve been saving my points this summer and just cashed in for a $10 Amazon gift card. I’ve got six birthdays and Christmas on the horizon, so every little bit helps!
What are five of your favorite things this month? Comment with your five or write a post and leave the link in the comments. I’ll officially be making this a monthly link-up starting next month. I’m so excited to read your lists!
Rosie says
Oh I love the idea of doing one of those meal delivery services as an at-home date night!! I've never tried because there's no way they'll have large enough servings for our family, but it would totally work just for the grown-ups! Although we're both so picky it's hard to find something we'll both like…
Ashley says
I'm not sure if this is true for all dinner boxes, but I really like that Home Chef lets you choose the meals you get. There are always around 10 options to pick from, so we try to agree on one to eat together and then usually Mark picks what he wants for work.
KD says
Great idea about using Home Chef for a date night!!
Ashley says
I've totally disregarded dinner boxes in the past because of my family size, but date night changes everything!! It's been so nice to eat something a little different from our norm and not have to share! 🙂
Lisa says
Such a good idea about date nights in! And like Rosie said- I've never been interested in using things like that in the past because, of the small #s of servings.
And I love that Audrey Assad version, too!
Ashley says
I've got her on repeat lately! Such a beautiful voice.