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1 // Describe yourself in three words.
This is hard, but the three that come to mind first are loyal, homebody, and goal-oriented.
2 // What is your favorite summer meal?
Cheeseburgers on the grill with sides of fruit and pasta salad.
3 // What book is on your nightstand?
Should I admit that I actually have at least twenty books on my nightstand right now? Marie Kondo, I am not, hah! My summer goal is to knock that amount in half before purchasing anything new.
4 // Share your laundry routine.
I prefer big laundry days over little loads every day, so I typically only do laundry on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. I have baskets (similar to these but mine are square) in my laundry room and wait until one is full before I wash them. I actually enjoy folding – I find it calming – and then make stacks by person on my bed or dining room table. The kids take their pile and put away. Not a perfect system, but it works for us!
5 // List the contents of your purse.
Wallet, extra diapers and wipes, a baby blanket, a board book, P’s sandals, tissues, and a few pieces of junk mail
6 // Name three items on your summer bucket list.
- Get the outside of our house in shipshape.
- Read at least ten books currently on my nightstand.
- Plan a fun staycation.
7 // What song is stuck in your head right now?
The kids just watched Lego Movie 2 and “Catchy Song” lives up to its name, hah! Play at your own risk.
8 // Share what you do after a bad day.
After a particularly stressful day, I send the kids up to bed a little earlier, eat a big bowl of ice cream without sharing, and decompress with a good book.
9 // What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint chocolate chip.
10 // List three items on your wishlist.
- A new couch: we need one so badly, but are trying to wait until Lucy is a little older (if she chews up something new, I think I’ll cry)
- This sweatshirt
- One of these linen dresses from Pyne and Smith Clothiers

What a great list! I really enjoyed reading your responses. 🙂
I owe you a letter! Adding that to my to-do list now. XO
bravo for writing everyday in June so far – you are killin it 🙂 I love being able to hop on each morning and read your new post! xxo
Ahh, thank you! Hoping I have enough ideas to make it through the rest of the month, hah!